
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Press TV is reporting an increased desperation in the war on Syria.

Plan A was to get al Qaeda to overthrow Assad.

Plan B was to create a humanitarian corridor running from Turkey into Syria.

Plan C was to claim we need to invade Syria because al Qaeda might get into power (see plan A)

These have failed. Plans D through to P, including trying to get the UN Observer Mission killed to claim the chaos requires R2P, have also failed.

So what's the plan now?

...Saudi intelligence has reached an agreement with US and Israeli security companies based in Geneva to increase armed conflicts in Syria without engaging other countries. The conflicts will be led by retired military and intelligence experts that are theoretically in agreement with al-Qaeda.

...the Americans are going to create small protected areas in Lebanon and use them as military training camps. These camps will be established by the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to be used by al-Qaeda and the Syrian opposition.

Saudi Arabia will, in the meantime, work on Syria’s big nomadic tribes most of which live around the city of Deir ez-Zor and in the Syrian Desert which extends up to Homs.

[source : US, Saudi Arabia plan to destroy Syria: Report, PressTV,, 15/05/2012]

The aim is still the same; to split Iran from Syria to isolate Iran, to isolate Hezbollah in Lebanon, and to kick out Russia.

And that is why this will lead to WW3.

And that is why Israel was created.

This exposes the total complicity of Israel, not just in this warmongering, but also in 9/11.

As stated many, many times before, A Clean Break was written in 1996 calling for war on Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah and Syria. This then morphed into PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses, both documents were written by the same bunch of warmongering Zionazis. This then morphed into the war-on-seven-nations-in-five-years plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11, which enabled all this warmongering.

Rafik Hariri was assassinated to cause enough resentment against Syria for three purposes;
1. to drive Syria out of Lebanon,
2. which would isolate Hezbollah in Lebanon,
3. so Israel could try to destroy Hezbollah, and tried and failed in 2006.

It was initially claimed that Hezbollah killed Hariri. Those claims have now been proven to be false.

Very evil elements inside Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UK and USA did the inside job 9/11.

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