
Saturday, May 26, 2012


In interviews with Alex Jones recently Dr Jerome Corsi has stated that Obama is now viewed as "damaged goods" due to the recent revelations around Obama's birth and parentage, and is being dumped because of this, and Corsi suggested that the Bilderberg meeting next weekend will agree on this.

But LPAC are stating that Tony "Satan's little helper" Blair is currently living in the USA, and is suggesting that the reason for this is for Blair to assist Obama to get re-elected later this year.

How can these two be reconciled? At the moment I can't see how they can be. So at least one of them is wrong.

They may both be wrong.

Blair maybe engineering a first strike on Iran and/or Russia, or intervention in Syria, and the election is merely a cover for the warmongering. Any subsequent retaliation could be used to (permanently?) postpone the election and implement martial law, etc.

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