
Saturday, May 19, 2012


The United Nations and the IMF were created by Communists like Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White and many other members of the FDR administration. Their aim is one world government and one world currency.

The EU is run by a Communist and multiple Bilderberg attendee Manuel Barosso. The EU and Euro are products of Bilderberg. The EU's aim is to deliver Europe to a one world government with a European currency.

Alexis Tsipras is highly suspicious to me. He has a communist background, and appears to be standing up for the Greek workers, but still wants to stay in the EU with the Euro!

And the major media are making very little of his communist background, even making a joke of it.

Take this interview with The Guardian published today.
Before Greeks went to the polls on 6 May, neither Tsipras nor his party were a name to be reckoned with. If anything both were the butt of vague mockery: a former pony-tailed student communist leading a rag-tag band of ex-Trotskyists, Maoists, champagne socialists and greens. Tsipras's assistants – wielding Louis Vuitton bags and fashionable sunglasses – readily admit they are signed up "militants" mostly of the anti-globalisation cause.

[source : Greek leftist leader Alexis Tsipras: 'It's a war between people and capitalism', The Guardian,, 19/05/2012]

Any sane anti-globalist should by now have recognised the EU for what it is, and work towards destroying it, not preserving it.

Yes, Tsipras wants growth and a fairer society.

But does he want bankers in jail?

Does he want Greek sovereignty?

Does he think Europe can have a single currency without nations ceding all sovereignty to a European government? Fiscal union without political union?

Take this interview with the BBC published 17th May.
Greek left-wing leader Alexis Tsipras has accused the EU and German Chancellor Angela Merkel of "playing poker with European people's lives" by insisting on austerity measures.

[source : Greek Syriza leader Tsipras attacks EU and Merkel, BBC,, 17/05/2012]

There is no mention whatsoever of the Communist history of Tsipras, and the "attack" on the EU as the BBC calls it is merely due to the austerity being imposed by Germany, not an attack on the EU itself as an operation of the warmongering kiddie-fiddling satanists who engineered WW1 and WW2 and now push a global eugenics and depopulation agenda through the UN.

The World Socialist Website also has some questions regarding Tsipras.
However, Syriza does not question the European Union and its institutions, nor the Greek state and its capitalist foundations. Syriza's goal is not the socialist transformation of society in the interests of the working class but to create better conditions for the upper middle class and those parts of the Greek bourgeoisie which are hit particularly hard by the effects of the austerity measures.

Tsipras stresses at every opportunity that he does not want to break with the EU and the euro under any conditions. On Wednesday, he told CNN: “We will do whatever we could do in this direction, to keep Greece inside the euro zone and inside Europe.”[emphasis added]

[source : Greece: The program of Syriza, WSWS,, 19/05/2012]

Even the New York Times whitewashes the red history of Tsipras, and gives the impression to me that Tsipras is being prepared for power. Who else in Greece is being given so much media time and space?

But this statement of Tsipras to the NYT perhaps suggests why he is being prepared.
Greece’s problem is a European problem that needs a European solution

[source : Rising Greek Political Star, Foe of Austerity, Puts Europe on Edge, NYT,, 19/05/2012]

Sounds suspiciously like "global solutions to global problems" to me.

But very few ask, who is causing the problems, be they European or global, in the first place?

And how have they been able to finance their problemmongering?

We need to take a good long hard look at Tsipras and Syriza.

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