
Thursday, June 07, 2012


I thought the peace plan put forth by Kofi Annan was a piece of devilry.

Now Annan has stabbed his own peace plan in the back, and has been joined by Ban Ki Moon.

In his speech to the UN GA (not SC as I first thought) today Annan puts all the onus on Assad.
Nine days ago, I met President Assad in Damascus. I told him that the six-point plan is not being implemented as it must. I strongly urged him to take bold and visible steps to now radically change his military posture and honour his commitments to the six-point plan. I urged him to make a strategic decision to change his path. I also made clear that his Government must work with my mediation effort on behalf of both Organizations that I represent.

President Assad believed the main obstacle was the actions of militants. Clearly, all parties must cease violence. But equally clearly, the first responsibility lies with the Government.

...Armed opposition groups have stated that they see no reason to respect cessation of hostilities. They have intensified their attacks, which will not serve the cause of the Syrian people. And the situation is made more complex and deadly by a series of bombings -- some of which are indicative of the presence of a third actor.
[source : Annan's remarks before UN General Assembly, UN,, 07/06/2012]

So let's get this straight.

The FSA has unilaterally scrapped the ceasefire who "have intensified their attacks". There is a widely acknowledged terrorist "third actor", who many know are Sunni al Qaeda types as exposed in Seymour Hersh's The Redirection, who are sponsored with $100 million by those utopias of Sunni freedom the absolute monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar with assistance from MI6, CIA, DGSE, Mossad, i.e. the whole opposition, armed and terrorist, is foreign. Hell, the head of the Syrian National Council just attended Bilderberg!

Yet Annan expects Assad to just allow them to get on with it and take over Syria to implement a vicious Sunni anarchy persecuting all religions?!?!

Assad should tell Annan to go to hell!!

Annan should first and foremost be demanding that Saudi Arabia and Qatar cease and desist from their financial support of the opposition, and also demand that the UK, USA, France and Israel cease and desist from their assistance, lethal and nonlethal, of the opposition, be they unarmed, armed or terrorist.

Ban Ki Moon, who in his role as UN Sec Gen is supposed to be neutral and keep his mouth shut, and simply facilitate the functioning of the UN, has declared Assad as illegitimate.
3.45pm: Syria: Addressing the UN general assembly, Ban Ki-moon also said: "President Assad and his government have lost all legitimacy". He added:

He called on Assad to "urgently and unconditionally" implement the six-point plan put forward by Kofi Annan.
[source : Annan at UN amid reports of new Syria massacre – live updates, The Guardian,, 07/06/2012]

Both Annan and Ban should be immediately relieved of their duties.

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