
Thursday, June 07, 2012


If the plan all along has been to blow up the Euro then the perps will need a scapegoat. And as I suggested last week Merkel will be that scapegoat. So far she has been resisting bailing out Europe using Germany's credit rating to issue Eurobonds, despite many senior Bilderbergers suggesting that Eurobonds are the only way to save Europe and the Euro, and also warning that if Merkel did not agree to Eurobonds then Germany would suffer too as Europe fell into chaos.

Yesterday six German banks were downgraded, i.e. attacked by Wall Street.

Some reports have suggested that European banks will need nearly $10 trillion, just this year, and this is being covered up by the IMF. If this is true then I doubt that Germany could rescue Europe no matter what Merkel does.

So if the Euro is blown up, and that this has been planned for many decades, then we will all be encouraged to sing,
Don't blame it on the sunshine.
Don't blame it on the moonlight.
Don't blame it on the good times.
Blame it on the Merkel.

But Europe is under threat because of deriviatives. A massive credit bubble based on property was inflated and money loaned to anyone irrespective of their ability to pay. As I understand it, derivatives first appeared in the 1980's. But the EU and Euro were agreed at Bilderberg 1955. This would mean that for at least 30 years Europe was being created to be destroyed. But by 1955 had the method of detonation been agreed? Or have they been waiting and waiting and waiting for the method to appear?

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