
Sunday, June 24, 2012


The dodgy thesis of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) appears to have been created by The Henry Jackson Society (HJS), which according to the LPAC/EIR group is the PNAC crowd relocated to London after the war on Iraq in 2003 provoked such a resentment against them that they were chased out of the USA and found refuge in London. This outrage forced the HJS to change their aggressive foreign policy from one based on politics to one based on 'humanitarianism'.

This false 'humanitarianism' was applied last year in Libya when what was supposed to be a No Fly Zone to protect civilians authorised by UN SCR 1973 quickly turned into a quest for Gaddafi's blood, which was eventually achieved with special forces of many NATO and Arab League states assisting the Libyan al Qaeda rebels to fight on the ground while NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libyan civilians to bits (while allegedly protecting them).

So what we saw in Libya last year was not R2P but R2PAQ (Responsibility to Protect al Qaeda).

The plan revealed to General Wesley Clark for war on seven nations in five years included Iraq and Lebanon. These two nations have experienced war and/or invasion. But also on that list was Libya and Syria. So with Libya destroyed, attention moved to Syria.

For well over a year there has been growing violence in Syria, which since the fall of Gaddafi has escalated significantly. This is due to the transplant of the Libyan al Qaeda rebs to Syria. Even the weapons of Libyan al Qaeda rebs are being smuggled from Libya into Syria, generally via Lebanon, as the seizure of the Luftallah II shows. And now even Kofi Annan and General Mood admit that there is a presence of a violent third party distinct from the official 'peaceful' opposition. That third party is al Qaeda. This was arranged between Saudi Arabia and Israel around 2007 and revealed by Seymour Hersh.

There have been attempts to use the same trick applied on Syria as was applied on Libya, i.e. a NATO-backed NFZ to protect civilians. But this would have been a repeat of the adventure in Libya, R2PAQ all over again, with the Syrian al Qaeda rebs, with all sorts of finance and support from the same sordid sources, getting upto all sorts of nasty trouble, and I would guess with a similar result; the assassination of Assad.

But because this has not worked, in the last two weeks there has been reference to Syria's WMDs, with suggestions that these should be protected otherwise they may fall into the hands of al Qaeda. Israel made quite a noise about this possibility, and there was even a suggestion/threat that Russia may suffer if these WMDs fell into the hands of the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

So R2P has morphed into R2PAQ which has now morphed into R2PWMDAQ (Responsibility to Protect Weapons of Mass Destruction because of al Qaeda).

But the basic trick is still the same. Encourage, support, finance and arm an uprising, cause some trouble and bloodshed, then claim the responsibility to protect, be it civilians, or al Qaeda or WMDs.

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