
Thursday, June 28, 2012


The 'postponement' of the delivery of the S300 system to Syria that was reported in Russia Today yesterday was a clear signal that Russia has given up on Assad remaining in power, leaving Assad vulnerable to any NATO attack or NFZ, and is now trying to negotiate a 'transition' to a 'unity' government, whatever that is.

And now that Russia has supported Annan's new plan for a government of national unity, which would not include certain people whose presence could undermine such a government, i.e. Assad himself, then I think we can assume that Assad is doomed and will probably find sanctuary somewhere.

But can NATO be trusted?


If Assad is replaced then Syria will be neutral when NATO attacks Iran. This will accelerate the war on Iran. The fact that Iran has not been invited to the meeting on Saturday implies the attendants have bowed to Lillary's demands and do not care for Iran either.

And that is not all that will happen. Give it 3 to 6 months and the rebels will have even more arms, implement a coup and completely overthrow the 'national unity' governmment.

And the NATO missile defence/attack system will still be aimed at Russia.

Here is General Wesley Clark revealing how he was told shortly after the inside job 9/11 what the USA was going to do; war on seven nations in five years. The dust had barely settled after WTC 1,2 and 7 had been pulled and yet a plan for war on seven nations in five years had been drafted.

Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy

The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan and Somalia.

But Clark also gives us a hint as to when the plan for the inside job 9/11 began to be drafted. He reveals a conversation with Paul Wolfowitz in 1991 about the USA asserting its authority on the world before 2001 and 'cleaning up' old Soviet client regimes, specifically naming Syria, Iran and Iraq.

So here is a timeline of multiple wars.

In 1991 Wolfowitz says the USA has 10 years to assert its authority on the world, specifically naming Syria, Iran and Iraq.
In 1996 A Clean Break is written for Netanyahu, naming Iraq and Iran with Syria and Lebanon as targets.
In 1998 PNAC is formed, writing letters to Bill Clinton about taking out Saddam in Iraq.
In 2000 PNAC publishes Rebuilding America's Defenses, which is written by the same Zionists who wrote A Clean Break, which talks about "a new Pearl Harbor" to convince the American public to go on a global warmongering rampage and accept a paramilitary police state.
In 2000 George W Bush is elected President after Florida, controlled by his brother Jeb who is a founding member of PNAC, suspiciously switches from electing Gore to electing Bush. Bush brings into the White House apparatus the Zionist cabal that wrote A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.
In 2001 the film Pearl Harbor was released which graphically portrayed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, to remind the USA of Pearl Harbor.
In September 2001 the inside job 9/11 occurs, with George W Bush calling the attack "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century".
In October/November 2001 shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark is told of this plan for war on seven nations in five years, even though no evidence was provided to convict them of complicity in 9/11.
In 2003 war on Iraq, after a bunch of lies was told about WMD and complicity in 9/11. Later investigations found the lies to be exactly that; LIES!
In 2006 war on Lebanon.
In 2008 the relatively unknown Barack Obama is elected President after being showered with billions from Wall Street for his campaign. Obama promises to end the wars.
In 2011 war on Libya, after NATO helped al Qaeda to cause a civil war there, to give NATO the excuse to invoke R2PAQ.
In 2012 Syria is very close to suffering similar NATO 'humanitarian intervention' after NATO helped Sunni terrorists to create a civil war, with widespread calls for R2PAQ and R2PWMDAQ.
In 2012 trouble is brewing in Somalia and Sudan.

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