
Friday, June 08, 2012


There is already some inconsistency in reports in NATO media of alleged witnesses to the alleged Qubair massacre.

Can you spot the difference here?

A resident said troops shelled the area for five hours Wednesday before government-aligned militiamen known as "shabiha" entered the area that is known to shelter army defectors, "killing and hacking everyone they could find."
[source : Syria: UN observers come under fire trying to reach site of latest massacre, The Daily Telegraph,, 08/06/2012]

A second witness, who did not want to be named, said shelling of the area had started at around 2pm.

He said gunfire then followed around 2.45pm, lasting for 30 minutes, before a second burst of fire later.
[source : Assad regime has lost humanity – UN, The Guardian,, 08/06/2012]

Two unnamed witnesses give two different accounts.

Who were these witnesses?

How was communication established?

How were their accounts taken, e.g. phone?

Indeed, in complete contrast to the reports from Taldao, Houla, there seems to be a dearth of times in NATO media, with the very, very general narrative that "shabiha did it". One witness quoted in The Guardian article cited above even goes so far as to say he knew the killers from school!
"I knew some of them from school," he said. "I know their names, I know their villages. I know exactly who they are. They are Shabiha, no doubt. They passed by here with the regime army."

However, the names of the alleged criminals are not supplied in the article, which is very suspect, because a name would definitely help to incriminate the Shabiha. Neither is an exact time given. This is important because I will attempt to explain what I think may be going down here.

The Syrian Rep to the UN said the killing of any civilians took place 5 hours before any clashes between the military and the terrorists.
Al-Jaafari said that killing innocent civilians in al-Qubeir took place 5 hours before any clashes happened, adding that the images broadcast by al-Jazeera and al-Arabia are not those of the massacre victims.
[source : Al-Jaafari: Arab, Regional capitals support armed groups which Boast of committing terror acts in Syria, SANA,, 08/06/2012]

Recall the mass resignations from al Jazeera earlier this year due to the bias shown against Assad and Syria by al Jazeera, with some who resigned saying that some of the reports were just made up.

And the under siege Webster Tarpley concurs with me that Ban Ki Moon has to go. Ban has gone way beyond his role as a neutral secretary and has taken sides. In an interview with Press TV Tarpley again proposed that corpses long dead have been dug up and filmed as though they had just been killed at Qubair, in an attempt similar to that used by the Nazis at Gleiwitz.

Perhaps the lack of times in the NATO media is due to this possible series of events.

1. Corpses (not from Qubair) were dug up and filmed as though they had just been massacred at Qubair. Sound effects were added. We do not see any landmarks to verify the films were shot at Qubair. The film of these long dead corpses are released just in time for a UN GA and UN SC meeting at which the quesionable Kofi Annan was due to speak about his devilry.

2. An attack by terrorists at Qubair takes place, again just in time for a UN GA and UN SC meeting at which the quesionable Kofi Annan was due to speak about his devilry. The villagers call in the Syrian military for help. A battle between the Syrian military and Shabiha on the one side and the terrorists on the other then takes place.

3. And here is the tricky bit that may explain the absence of specific times. The reports from 'witnesses' do not give times because they did indeed observe Shabiha entering the village, but this was to assist the Syrian military to attack the terrorists in Qubair AFTER the residents had fled asking the Syrian military for help. After going into the village only 9 residents had been killed, and they had been killed by the terrorists.

This kind of media operation would require an extraordinary level of coordination between the SNC, FSA, terrorists and NATO media.

However, they are working together and they all want the same thing; the removal of Assad.

We have to question:
1. the timing of the alleged massacre, coming just before two very big meetings at the UN involving Kofi Annan
2. the attendance of Bassma Kodmani, the head of the Syrian National Transitional Council, at Bilderberg just days before the alleged massacre at Qubair, particularly as the SNC took the lead in reporting this alleged massacre at Qubair when the FSA took the lead at Taldao, Houla.
3. why would anyone want to attack this remote cluster of farms, terrorists or the Syrian military/Shabiha? As The Guardian article referenced above states:
He said that Mazraat had not been a politically active area during the 16-month uprising, nor had it been a stronghold of the Free Syrian Army, which continues to battle loyalist forces on most days. "This is a farming community," he said.

Were the families there pro- or anti-Assad? Were they Sunni, Shia or Christian? Were the terrorists extorting money?

Anyway, here is the under siege Webster Tarpley speaking on Press TV.

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