
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Three nations with very large nuclear arsenals have been flexing their muscles and posturing over Syria, giving the appearance of independence from each other.

But a closer look at the official attendee list of Bilderberg could very well suggest something else.

From China came Fu Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for China. She attended last year, occupying the same position. If she attended last year at a meeting with the Bilderberg satanists and kept her job and attended this year too then she must have done a good job (what ever it was).

Why was Fu Ying invited, twice? And is she still in her job?

But the Russian attendees should give cause for deep concern.

Chinese policy towards the Syrian crisis has been words so far, suggesting that Syrians should be left to decide their government without foreign interference. Russia on the other hand appears to be taking more direct action, with reports about troops and weapons being shipped to Syria.

I have previously given Russia the benefit of the doubt. Although there have been some Russian attendees to Bilderberg, namely advisers at international institutions who can have their anti-Putin articles published in such prestigious media as The Washington Post, there has not been any direct link between these Russian traitors and the Russian government.

But this year is different.

In early 2010 Medvedev created the Russian International Affairs Council. Its President is Igor Ivanov. Ivanov was Putin's Foreign Minister and later Secretary of the Security Council. Before this he was Foreign Minister for Yeltsin, who annointed Putin. So Ivanov is obviously a trusted friend and colleague of Putin. But a member and trustee of the RIAC is Sergei Lavrov, the current Foreign Minister.

Guess who is on the official Bilderberg attendee list for 2012? Igor Ivanov.

I view this as a direct link between the current core of the Russian government and Bilderberg, and that Ivanov went to Bilderberg as Putin's representative.

For why has Ivanov not been hung, drawn and quartered as a traitor for meeting with the alleged enemy?

I can find no attendee from Russia in the years 2009 to 2011 inclusive, when Medvedev was President. I have seen Medvedev as the Golden Boy of the Lizards of London, and the evidence for this lies in the archives of the FT. Before the latest Presidential election in Russia the FT was fawning over Medvedev, pleading with Putin not to run for President to allow his protege Medvedev to continue as President unopposed. But Putin ran, and won, so the FT subsequently threatened Putin to open up Russia for the locusts of London to devour otherwise he would suffer the same fate as Gaddafi in a Russian Spring.

Several commentators on Bilderberg examined the attendance of Kasparov this year, who is head of the alleged opposition to Putin inside Russia. Tarpley attacked the attendance of Anatoly Chubais, who has attended Bilderberg before.

So why would Bilderberg invite Ivanov, who has such close and direct links to Putin and Lavrov, as well as invite Kasparov and Chubais? Have Chubais, Kasparov or Ivanov revealed their attendance to the Russian public, or what was said? And if not, then why not?

If Ivanov was pro-Putin he could nail Kasparov and Chubais as traitors in one sentence to the Russian media, and the Bilderberg meddling in Russia could be destroyed for a long time.

But silence is all we get.

So why the silence?

To answer this we can perhaps use the statements from first Lavrov and now Putin that they are not obliged to defend Assad. This statement was first made by Lavrov at the press conference in Moscow when Hasty Hague went to visit. When Lavrov made this statement he appeared to me to look down and hang his head in shame a little. Putin made the same statement very recently during his current tour of the Middle East.

But why has Russia now 'postponed' its contract to deliver S300 missiles to Syria?

Does this have anything to do with any agreement reached between Putin and any Middle East dictator (including Nutternyahu)?

If there was an agreement reached at Bilderberg that the West and/or Russia would back down a little over Syria is it being honoured?

Well, why did Turkey not invoke Article V of The Washington Treaty, but instead threatened to view the approach of Syrian military as a threat to be fired upon? This virtually extends Turkish territory into Syria, and increases the potential for establishing safe zones for NATO special forces to operate from inside Syria.

The S300 is an anti-aircraft system, considered one of if not the best around. The decision to postpone the delivery of S300 to Syria was taken from above.
The report also says that deliveries on the Syrian contract are expected to be made between 2012 and 2013. But ‘Vedomosti’ claims two separate sources, who chose to remain anonymous, have said deliveries have been put on the back-burner “after a direct order from above.”
[source : Russia halts plans to supply S-300 missile system to Syria - reports, RT,, 27/06/2012]

I have to say I am beginning to see that Assad is being left isolated, and that no direct NATO action will occur because the Syrian al Qaeda rebs have now been armed enough by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, thanks to the devilry of Kofi Annan, and advised and trained enough by the special forces of UK, USA, France, Qatar, Jordan that Bilderberg has enough confidence in them to overthrow Assad without direct NATO intervention such as bombing of civilian populations as in Libya last year.

This postponement of the S300 system does look highly suspicious.

This would explain why Russia has been making pacts with the devil, for example signing billion dollar deals with Exxon Mobil, joining the WTO, and last year signing a variety of deals with British companies, such as in nanotechnology from which Chubais would benefit from greatly.

On the other hand Ivanov is a member of the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe. Was nuclear war threatened at Bilderberg?

All this just goes to show that meetings like Bilderberg must be stopped and their outcomes revealed to the global general public so that we, and not a handful of megalomaniacs, can decide our destiny.

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