
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Further to the Daily Telegraph report about a 10 year plan to introduce Eurobonds and further integration, The Washington Post today in The Post's View also calls for Eurobonds.
In the end, a Greek slide into insolvency and an exit from the euro may still be unavoidable. That’s all the more reason why E.U. leaders must at last agree on decisive measures to shore up the rest of the currency zone, beginning with Spain and Italy. Measures under discussion for a summit meeting next week, including euro-area bank regulation, are positive but not sufficient. In the end, banks and governments must be provided with sufficient liquidity to restore confidence — something that will probably require the issuance of bonds backed by all euro-area countries, or greatly increased lending by the European Central Bank.
[source : Devising a road map to rescue the euro, The Washington Post,, 19/06/2012]

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