
Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Just before a meeting of the UNSC on Syria yet another massacre attributed to Assad by the FSA has occured.

At least 86 people, including many women and children, have been killed by Syrian pro-government forces in Hama province, opposition activists say.

A spokesman for the Syrian National Council, the main opposition coalition, said there had been a "massacre" in the villages of Qubair and Maarzaf.
[source : New 'massacre' reported in Syria's Hama province, BBC,, 06/06/2012]

Let us try an exercise in psychology.

Read this, and then ask yourself what you think
At least 86 people, including many women and children, have been killed by Syrian pro-government forces in Hama province, opposition activists say.

Now read this.
Opposition activists say at least 86 people, including many women and children, have been killed by Syrian pro-government forces in Hama province.

Spot the difference?

They say the same thing but in a different order.

In the former the emotion of a massacre takes precedence over the messenger. In the latter the messenger takes precedence over the massacre.

But should the hapless Jim Muir, who reported this, be able to report this alleged massacre without confirmation? After all, the BBC is a news agency isn't it, and not a propaganda unit of MI5 and MI6?


I have had my eye on Muir since the Aleppo bombings earlier this year. He is just a brainless repeater. He does not think about who could benefit from his repetition of what he is told. And none of his reports have carried the alternative view of events of the Taldao massacre that are corroborated and make much more sense.

The BBC is just a small cog in the NATO media apparatus blasting out propaganda for war and/or the police state. The slaughter of Taldao was sussed out and distributed quickly and the drive to war was smashed.

So they have got their death squad mercs to commit another atrocity.

But look who tells the BBC what happened; a spokesman for the Syrian National Council! The key member of the of the SNC, Bassma Kodmani, was just at Bilderberg 2012!!

What a fucking coincidence!

Just after Bilderberg 2012 a bigger more federalised Europe is proposed, and a new alleged and unconfirmed massacre instantly attributed to Assad is reported.

The clueless Alex Thomson recently suggested that the emails and phone calls of the Syrian military should be examined for proof of complicity in the Taldao massacre. I am 100% confident that an examination of Kodmani's communications since the weekend will reveal who did and did not commit this latest alleged massacre.

But have you recently noticed in the NATO media the threats of a civil war in Syria if Russia did not concede to a regime change in Syria, blaming Russia for any subsequent civil war? This is just one manifestation of the evil that is driving the seven-nations-in-five-years plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11.

If this line is conceded then it will just move on to Iran.

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