
Monday, July 02, 2012


The BBC called for the cavalry this morning in the wake of the Barclays/LIBOR scandal, and David Buik came to the rescue.

Buik loves the City of London. Absolutely adores it.
London is the centre of the time zone and we have the very best bankers to capitalise on this challenge.
[source : DAVID BUIK: Banker bashing does more harm than good, ThisIsMoney,, 29/06/2012]

Buik repeated the usual bollocks about the City being great, etc, and we should wait for the results of an investigation into how the LIBOR rate generated any profit for anyone before bashing bankers. It was a desperate attempt to diffuse the anger that Barclays has generated.

But it failed.

He just does not get it.

The City of London was, is and will continue to be a cesspit of greed and mass genocide while the fascist, satanist, warmongering, kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs who control The City of London have the power to create money out of nothing.

Take that power from them immediately. Anything less is virtual suicide.

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