
Monday, August 20, 2012


If you need any more proof of who runs Britain, no matter what colour flag flies over 10 Downing Street, then the refusal of Ken Clarke to leave his post as Justice Secretary should be it.

Clarke is the most senior Bilderberger in the Conservative Party. And it is Osborne, not Cameron, who runs 10 Downing Street (Osborne has been to several Bilderberg meetings in the last five years).

But have you ever known anyone to disobey the current Prime Minister and refuse to leave your post? I have not.

Perhaps there is more to this refusal than meets the eye...

David Cameron’s Cabinet reshuffle has been plunged into chaos because Ken Clarke is refusing to move and has warned the Prime Minister that firing him would ‘retoxify’ the Tory Party.
[source : Cameron's reshuffle in chaos as Clarke refuses to move and tells PM sacking him would 'retoxify' Tory party, The Daily Mail,, 20/08/2012]

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