
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Further to my scepticism of the neutrality and objectivity of allegedly one of the nation's most respected journalists, Robert Fisk, during an interview by Fisk of the Syrian Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem, when Muallem mentioned the Brookings Institution Fisk admits that he himself groaned, and Muallem comments that Fisk even laughed!
"We believe that the US is the major player against Syria and the rest are its instruments." But wasn't this all really about Iran? I asked, a dodgy question since it suggested a secondary role for Syria in its own tragedy. And when Muallem referred to the Brookings Institution, I groaned.

"You are laughing, but sometimes when you are Foreign Minister, you are obliged to read these things – and there was a study by the Brookings Institute [sic] called The Road to Tehran, and the result of this study was: if you want to contain Iran, you must start with Damascus…

"We were told by some Western envoy at the beginning of this crisis that relations between Syria and Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas are the major elements behind this crisis. If we settle this issue, they [the Americans] will help end the crisis. But no one told us why it is forbidden for Syria to have relations with Iran when most if not all the Gulf countries have very important relations with Iran."

[source : Exclusive: ‘We believe that the USA is the major player against Syria and the rest are its instruments’, The Independent,, 28/08/2012]

What is the definition of objective journalism?
Objectivity is a significant principle of journalistic professionalism. Journalistic objectivity can refer to fairness, disinterestedness, factuality, and nonpartisanship, but most often encompasses all of these qualities.

[source : wikipedia,

It's one thing to peddle lies and quarter-truths, but to mock one of your interviewees and report it is surely taking the limeade? Perhaps if Fisk explained why he mocked Muallem then we could perhaps forgive Fisk for this amateurish childish attempt at journalism.

The violence, NB I do not call it a 'civil war', in Syria was planned decades ago (and it could be argued centuries ago but that is for another blog). Since the inside job 9/11 a series of wars has been set in motion that was discussed in 1991 by Paul Wolfowitz and General Wesley Clark. Wolfowitz then became the focus of a Zionist cabal that published two warmongering documents, which called for a "new Pearl Harbor" to start a series of wars on Iraq and Iran, and who on 9/11, when the USAF was mysteriously AWOL while four alleged hijacked planes flew around the most protected airspace in the world unimpeded for nearly two hours to eventually fly into the WTC and even The Pentagon, were in charge of the military, government and media. Clark, before the dust had barely settled, was shortly after told of a classified plan to start war on seven nations in five years; Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. The plan stalled in Iraq so a Faustian pact was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia to unleash Islamic extremists and terrorists of the worst kind onto Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran. This occured last year in Libya, when this terrorist scum were given assistance by BSF from the very start, as revealed by the BBC. It is now happening in Syria.

And should Syria fall victim to this diabolical plot (but I don't think it will) then as Muallem said, Iran is next.

There is nothing funny about this. Children are being lynched by this terrorist scum that has been unleashed onto Syria. We can't trust the scum. We can't believe a word the scum say.


So support Syria, Syrians and the Syrian military as they cleanse Syria of this misled terrorist scum.

Syria could be doing us all a massive, massive favour by making Syria the graveyard for Islamic terrorists.

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