
Sunday, August 26, 2012


The Syrian military has again been accused of a massacre of civilians, this time at Daraya near Damascus. Numbers vary wildly. Some media say a few dozen, while Al Arabiya claimed it was 300. But what is not disputed is that, no matter how many dead were claimed, most of the dead were young men of fighting age.

Can I repeat that last bit again?

Yes, I can and I will.


That should tell you something.

Tim Marshall on Sky News commented on this alleged massacre on Sky News this morning. He could not confirm what was being claimed, but made very clear his scepticism of the allegation. Marshall stated that there was a pattern of alleged massacres just before meetings at the UN on Syria. Marshall also said there was a meeting at the UN about Syria this week.
Before each big UN SC meet on Syria there are reports of a massacre. Sometimes it's been true, sometimes it has not. but it is a pattern. - Tim Marshall ‏@Skytwitius,

France to chair UN meeting on Syria. Aug 30th. - Tim Marshall ‏@Skytwitius,

The most controversial of these alleged massacres was Houla in late May. The UN recently repeated its and the FSA's allegation, that the Shabiha, in cahoots with Syrian military, massacred civilians just before a crucial vote at the UN, which if passed would have meant a Libya-style operation against Syria. So it makes no sense whatsoever for the Shabiha to slaughter civilians, and pro-Assad civilians at that, just before such a UN vote. But what the UN report did not state was that
1. Houla was a confirmed FSA stronghold,
2. eyewitness accounts varied wildly and were incoherent,
3. eyewitness accounts were taken from FSA, and over the phone from Geneva.

The narrative we are asked to believe on the Houla massacre is that Shabiha, wearing fatigues, were able to roam the streets of the confirmed FSA stronghold Houla for several hours, in broad daylight, without any opposition from the FSA, and for no apparent reason slaughter two pro-Assad families, and then as one traumatised child under the guidance of the local FSA leader claimed, the Shabiha were then able to come back at night and slaughter some more. It really is a total load of bollocks when you think about it, and not very credible. But the Syrian government narrative is much more credible; that terrorists came to the town to demand that the pro-Assad families join the Jihad against Assad, but they refused and so the terrorists slaughtered them and it was covered up by the FSA, who lied to C4 Alex Thomson and then sent him into no-mans-land to get killed, and the slaughter was blamed on Assad and the Shabiha just before the UN vote to try to influence the vote.

And the FSA were able to do this because earlier this year British taxpayer money was given to the FSA for training in media management!

Whenever you hear stories coming out of Syria of massacres of dead civilians, or men of fighting age, you can rest assured that they were terrorists, and they are now dead.

Syria is quickly becoming a graveyard for terrorists. No matter how many terrorists NATO and al Qaeda ship in, they end up in body bags and/or in shallow graves.

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