
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The NUT and NASUWT have announced plans to work to rule. However, this is not in protest at the falling standards in schools that have crept in over the last 30 years, at least. This is in protest at pay and pension.

So what is work to rule? Essentially, it means to do the bare minimum.

But the media is painting a picture of absolute chaos and pandemonium if this work to rule protest goes ahead.

So what would this mean? It would mean that teachers do a hell of a lot of unpaid work, wouldn't it?

If all that teachers do is the bare minimum then a work to rule would have no effect at all.

If they do just a bit more than the bare minimum then a work to rule would cause some problems but not much.

But if they did a lot more than the bare minimum then a work to rule would cause chaos, because the system would be relying on teachers doing a lot of unpaid work to keep the system functional.

I would support the teachers more if they also highlighted the undeniable falling standards, but the outcry from the media just indicates just how much unpaid work teachers do.

Meanwhile, the City of London is making billions from creating money out of thin air, infinite rehypothecation, gambling on such vital commodities as food and oil and relying on bailouts from the muggins British taxpayer (and in some cases from the muggins American taxpayers) to keep their system functional without any cry whatsoever from the media.

What a Disunited Fascist Kingdom!

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