
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If you are wondering what ever happened to the elite paedo abuse story surrounding Jimmy Savile, a large storm was allowed to hit the North East of the USA. Sky News have been covering the storm relentlessly, and the BBC did their bit too, but what did the storm do eventually? Some damage, some deaths, some flooding, some snow and some rain, but not the predicted total devastation, as some media are saying.

But last week the elite paedo abuse story accelerated significantly when an MP alleged the existence of a paedo ring in Downing Street. And it was also alleged by a former child actor that a senior Bilderberg member of the government took liberties with him during filming for The Cook Report.

Two of the main power centres in this DFQ are Downing Street, for political power, and the BBC, for media power. That allegations of paedo abuse in these power centres are being made and investigated says a lot.

And it backs up what Dr Richard Day predicted in 1969, that a "anything goes" attitude towards sex would be promoted.

But it is much, much worse than this. There is widespread torture and murder of children in the name of Satan/Saturn. It is Halloween tomorrow. Do not enjoy it. I never did.




28th October 2012
By Jonathan Corke, Tony Bushby and Deborah Sherwood

POLICE probing an underage sex ring at the heart of Maggie Thatcher’s government were warned: “Stop investigating if you want to keep your jobs.”

Officers in London were ­ inquiring into allegations made by a teenage rent boy that a Cabinet minister had been abusing him.

The youth claimed to be one of a number of boys regularly having sex with rich and powerful men in the 1980s – some of whom would fly to the illegal orgies from Europe.

As well as the Cabinet minister – who is still alive – he pointed the finger at judges, European bigwigs and senior civil servants.

He told his story to detectives, who are understood to have received other allegations against the minister.

But a former detective who worked on the case revealed they were ­suddenly told to halt the probe.

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