
Friday, November 23, 2012


Dr Webster Tarpley, in his unique erudite, witty and emotional style, has blasted the new secession movement that has risen (how?) in the USA since the Presidential election earlier this month. Writing for Press TV Dr Tarpley reminds us of the recent political adventures of Ron Paul and his son Rand.
Whether the secessionists know it or not, they are acting as useful idiots and dupes for an extreme right-wing tactic concocted by the California-based, also known as the 1776 Tea Party. Tea Party organizations generally represent astroturfing, creating the illusion that they come up from the grass roots when in reality the key organizers are on payrolls funded by fascist billionaires.
[source : Secessionism and the New World Order, Press TV,, 22nd November 2012]

Tarpley correctly states that breaking up nation states into smaller more manageable micro and mini states means they do not have the power to resist globalisation and become easy prey for globalist corporations. And again Tarpley reminds us of Ron Paul's support for globalisation.
Ron Paul is totally on board for this kind of New World Order. He notoriously told the House of Representatives on March 13, 2001 that “there is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.” These three elements are in fact the guaranteed destruction of existing nations.

But I must remind readers of what was written in the same media outlet shortly after the incident in Benghazi, since when President Obama has apparently sacked several high ranking intelligence and military personnel.

Here is what I think are the most astonishing and revealing sentences I have read regarding international affairs this year:
Some of the same high-level sources who point to Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama's re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.

[source : Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11, PressTV,, 21/09/2012]

This is supported by the revelation of Francesco Cossiga in 2007 that most if not all of the world's intelligence agencies know that Israel did 9/11.

If the secessionists really want to start a new American revolution then they can simply demand, through We The People, that President Obama, along with Dempsey and the others, go public on 9/11 with a new investigation into 9/11.

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