
Thursday, November 29, 2012


Zbig Brzezinski has recently been in the real news...TWICE!

The first was a speech in Poland in which he warned that the human race is politically awake and resisting.

The second was a different speech in which he has warned Israel that the USA should not, like a mule, blindly follow Israel into a war on Iran.

Last weekend in Press TV Gordon Duff reported that Obama had released a memo warning of infiltration of and violent threats to the US government. Strangely this warning was not reported in any NATO media that I read.

Duff now writes
Moreover, there has been a total press blackout on this press release, which is prominently displayed on the White House website. Those we have spoken with at the highest levels of the military and key intelligence and law enforcement agencies indicate they have never seen a statement of this kind and find it shocking.

...When all major media and political groups chose to suppress reporting of this threat, a press release that, normally, would have been turned against President Obama in order to label him a “wild conspiracy theorist,” this became more than real, it became genuinely terrifying.

[source : Nuclear Christmas, false flag in America to blame on Iran, Press TV,, 29th November 2012]

The memo referred to is still on The White House website at .

Duff correctly states that
Thus, when a threat of an attack on the “government and nation” is revealed, two things become obvious:

1. Only a nuclear attack, likely more than one location, could push America to the new war Israel wants and bully the American people into even more “police state” legislation and the total abandonment of what is left of democratic government.

2. News and entertainment have been systematically pre-staging such a move through highly fictionalized and propagandized “brainwashing” that is intended to make Iran the scapegoat for what President Obama has now revealed is actually an “insider threat” within the American government.

Duff then reminds us of the disappearance and/or theft of nuclear devices during the last 20 years or so.

For Duff to be writing that his highest level level military, intel and law enforcement sources find the unreported memo "shocking" and "terrifying" is a cause for great concern, particularly if the NATO media does not report it.

We know that Israel (but with some help) did 9/11. If Obama's adviser Brzezinski is now warning that the USA will not blindly follow Israel into war on Iran, when Obama is apparently threatening to go public on 9/11, and it appears that there has been a changing of the guard with the mass sackings around Petraeus and Stavridis, then there is a war of the factions going on in public.

Would the pro-War for Israel faction nuke the USA?

Well, they did 9/11. So to save their necks I think they would.

It's whether the insider threat memo really does refer to Israel.

And I think that it could.

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