
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I had a search for reports of rockets from the Gaza Occupied Territory on the internet after reading William Hague's drivel about the Middle East yesterday to our wretched Paedo Parliament.

Hague's pathetic rant contained this bullshit.
On 14th November the Israeli Defence Forces began air strikes against the Gaza Strip in response to a sharp increase in rocket fire.

[source : Foreign Secretary statement on Gaza, the Middle East Peace Process and Syria, William Hague to our wretched Paedo Parliament,, 20th November 2012]

My search led me to the Qassam Count twitter, which apparently record the number of rockets fired from the Gaza Occupied Territory. And there was only a handful each day reported.

In a similar attempt to a four years ago during Cast Lead I found records from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs no less which showed that rockets from the Gaza Occupied Territory were virtually nil when Israel claimed to be under a deluge of rockets.

This disparity in the number of rockets claimed to have been fired and the number of rockets reported to have been fired from the Gaza Occupied Territory is crucial. Yes, there was a sharp increase in the number of rockets, but it was not in the hundreds or thousands but in the tens, and no Israeli died.

So what prompted this rise in rockets from a handful to the tens?

Yes, you guessed it. Israeli barbarity.

The timeline provided here of the latest slaughter of innocent children in the Gaza Occupied Territory basically shows this:
1) rockets were being fired from the Gaza Occupied Territory but only a handful a day and no Israeli died.
2) on 4th November the IDF shot dead an unarmed mentally ill man
3) on and around 8th November Israel however made several violent incursions into the Gaza Occupied Territory, laying waste to buildings and killing children. In response Qassam Count records two rockets.
4) in response an IDF jeep was attacked injuring 4 IDF soldiers
5) in response to this, over the next 3 days the IDF attacked the Gaza Occupied Territory, killing 3 children.

A ceasefire was then being negotiated, and was close to agreement when Israel assassinated al-Jabari. These ceasefire negotiations explain why there NO ROCKETS ON 11th NOVEMBER.

The full timeline can be found at

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