
Thursday, November 08, 2012


With most UK eyes on the USA, first due to Sandy quickly followed by the elections, Der Fuhrer David Cameron thought we wouldn't notice his trip to the Middle East flogging large scale military hardware to tyrants and despots, and arming terrorists in Syria.

To sum it up:
1. this DFQ is paedo central, with paedo rings at the highest levels of society which are protected through warnings to investigators to "back off" if they want to keep their jobs
2. this DFQ protected Islamic terrorists through a Covenant of Security, and now supports them, including al Qaeda, in Libya, Syria and soon Iran
3. this DFQ arms anti-freedom and anti-democratic absolute monarchies
4. this DFQ is killing its old and sick in a cruel Nazi T4-style program of euthanasia called The Liverpool Care Pathway
5. this DFQ bails out bankers with trillions and ignores tax dodgers but places all the financial responsibility on the lower and middle classes.

It is Remembrance Day this Sunday. Der Fuhrer should not take the limeade and attend to show his sham concern for The Fallen.

He should instead hang his head in shame.

And really, we all should.

How has it come to this?

1 comment:

  1. I felt just the same about the "united kingdom" on Remembrance Day, and strongly sympathize with all your views herein stated - much as I tried to honor the brave fallen and those currently serving in conflict zones. Now we need a global perspective on remembrance and peace for a globalized world.

    Why still red poppies? Red is the color of bloodshed for me. White is a traditional symbol of peace. Green is the color of the land. Blue is the color of the awesome sky and ocean. Pink or purple would be fine too, with their positive artistic and cultural connotations. Yellow, a color of feminine beauty. Gold, the color of a truly compassionate heart. Anything but red please!

    That's just a personal chromatic perspective - but it's good to know, as a UK-born and currently resident citizen, that I'm not alone in my unease at the sentiments brought out (in some of my own friends) at this time of year.

    Thanks for your courage in truth.
