
Friday, December 28, 2012


This is just a first draft. The final version will be sent by post too.


Prime Minister David Cameron
10 Downing Street

28th December 2012

Dear Prime Minister

I am writing to you to express my deep concern about the current state of this United Kingdom and the direction we are taking.

My main concern is that there is a cabal based in The City of London and Wall Street whose intention is to engineer a third world war. This third world war would be the third of three in a plan for three world wars attributed to a top Freemason called Albert Pike who lived in the USA during the 19th Century. The plan was designed to eventually establish a tyrannical world government.

The main source of conflict between the world powers that could easily escalate into a world war is the Middle East and Caspian. American troops have been in that region since the tragedy of 11th September 2001 when it is alleged that 19 al Qaeda members hijacked some passenger planes and flew them around the most protected air space in the world for nearly two hours to eventually fly the planes into the WTC and even The Pentagon. After that day Colin Powell stated that he would provide a dossier that would prove beyond doubt that Osama bin Laden was behind 9/11. To date he has not. But what he did do was sit at the UN Security Council and tell lies about Iraq having WMD. The USA invaded Afghanistan to hunt down Osama bin Laden, and has stayed there ever since. But guess what? Osama bin Laden has been dead for years! He suffered from Marfan Syndrome and required regular kidney dialysis. This explains why President Obama decided to 'kill' bin Laden at a time when Obama was in big big trouble for producing a dodgy long form birth certificate. No photographs of the alleged corpse of bin Laden have been shown in public and the alleged corpse was quickly dumped at sea.

You may or may not be aware of this but in 2007 three very important events occurred.

The first is a series of talks that former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Wesley Clark gave to audiences in the USA, some of which are free to watch on You Tube. In these talks Clark relates how shortly after 9/11 he was told by a planner in The Pentagon that Iraq was going to be attacked, and nobody knew why. A few weeks later the same planner told Clark that not only was Iraq going to be attacked but six other nations were also going to be attacked over a period of five years, none of which had nothing to do with 9/11. The list of nations given to Clark were:

Iraq was attacked and invaded in 2003. Lebanon was attacked in 2006 by Israel. Libya was attacked in 2011 after UN SC 1973 was twisted out of all recognition and taken to be a green light to kill Colonel Gaddafi contrary to all international law.

Another nation on that hit list Syria is currently experiencing trouble. The media in NATO countries, including the UK, generally claim that this trouble is due to an internal conflict between a dictator Bashar al Assad and so-called freedom fighters who want to oust Assad in The Arab Spring. However, the conflict in Syria is very much related to the second important event of 2007 as mentioned above which I will now describe.

The second important event in 2007 is an article written by Seymour Hersh entitled The Redirection and published in The New Yorker Magazine. In that article Hersh reported that due to the USA getting bogged down in Iraq for years an agreement had been reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the Saudis would unleash Sunni extremists onto several of the nations named to General Wesley Clark; Libya, Syria and Iran. This is what happened in Libya last year. And this is what is happening in Syria right now which you and William Hague are supporting. This agreement was reached because the plan for war on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark had seriously stalled in Iraq.

The third important event in 2007 was a statement made by former Prime Minister and President of Italy Francesco Cossiga to the leading Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in which Cossiga publicly stated that most of the world's intelligence agencies know that Israel did 9/11. Cossiga can be trusted on this because he had previously revealed the existence of the NATO false flag factory Operation Gladio in which terrorist attacks in Europe that were executed by NATO fascist thugs and murderers were blamed on left wing groups.

And Israel being behind 9/11 makes perfect sense, for the following reasons.

1. The nations being attacked are enemies of Israel.
2. The nations being attacked were named in two documents written before 9/11. The first is entitled A Clean Break, and the second is entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses. The former was written by a cabal of Zionists for then PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. The second was written by essentially the same cabal of Zionists for the pro-Israel Project for the New American Century whose membership included Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, both of whom signed The Statement of Principles. It is this cabal who General Wesley Clark accuses of a foreign policy coup after 9/11.

So this is now when we investigate why Israel was created, because if Israel did indeed do 9/11 in order to drag the USA into fighting wars on Muslim countries for Israel then that would satisfy the aforementioned plan for three world wars attributed to Albert Pike.

In that plan the third world war is supposed to be between the Muslims and the Jews with the rest of the world taking sides having been divided on the issue for decades. This is essentially what is happening, with the USA and Saudi Arabia (and a few other NATO countries such as the UK and France) siding with Israel, and Russia and China and members of the Non Aligned Movement siding with Syria and Iran. The war is supposed to be horrific enough that any survivors will be so shattered, traumatised and exhausted that they will be unable to resist the imposition of a tyrannical world government.

So where did Israel come from?

There had been attempts to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine for centuries, but these attempts did not have much success until wealthy Jewish bankers such as the Rothschilds and Montefiores put their money into settlements and land purchases during the 19th Century. During World War 1 the Balfour Declaration essentially gave control over Palestine to the Zionists. This declaration was made while the Palestinians had been encouraged to rebel against the German allies the Ottomans having been told that after the war they would be granted their independence. But after WW1 what happened? Palestine was instead given to the British who allowed mass Jewish immigration to Palestine. But not only that, the Ibn Saud tribe were armed and trained to become the dominant Arab tribe in the region, which they did, creating Saudi Arabia and becoming extremely wealthy and influential allies of the USA and UK and propagating an extremist form of Islam called Wahhabism.

After World War 1 there was the first attempt at world government in the form of The League of Nations. This was based in Geneva and financed by the Rockefellers. But the USA voted to stay out of it because it had not suffered that many casualties in WW1. So The City of London and Wall Street supported and financed both Nazi Germany and the USSR knowing full well the writings of Hitler and anticipating that Hitler would eventually invade Russia to start a truly large war. The trick would be to then drag the USA into the fray.

Following WW1 and assignment of control of Palestine to Great Britain there was mass immigration of Jews into Palestine. There was even an agreement between the Zionists, the Nazis and Great Britain (because Britain then controlled Palestine) that the Nazis would transfer German Jews to Palestine. But despite the anti-semitism of the Nazis only 10% of German Jews took up this offer. Why? Because they knew the trouble that such mass immigration of Jews into Palestine would cause. As a result of this mass immigration of Jews there were large riots in protest.

Hitler was allowed to build up the German military way beyond what was specified in The Treaty of Versailles and he was allowed to do so to start the second world war. Here are just a few of the examples of this support. The Nazi eugenics and racial hygiene programs were funded by Wall Street and supported by the ruling class of Great Britain. Wall Street even gave IG Farben patents to manufacture synthetic oil and rubber from coal for the Wehrmacht!

World War 2 occurred after Hitler invaded Poland. There was then The Phony War in which not much happened while Churchill and FDR plotted and schemed to get Churchill installed as Prime Minister. This was revealed by Tyler Kent who along with hundreds of others was locked up under Regulation 18b to silence him. Hitler even offered to form an anti-Communist alliance to attack Stalin and destroy Communism, but this was curiously refused. The USA also stayed out of the war, despite attempts by FDR to lure the Nazis into firing the first shot to arouse the American public. But FDR finally relented to Churchill and provoked and allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbour. The USA then fully supported FDR who wanted war on Nazi Germany. Hitler then declared war on the USA and the USA then fought in a truly world war for nearly four years, suffering many many more casualties than in WW1. As a consequence after WW2 the USA not only supported the creation of a world government, it even allowed the HQ to be built in New York City.

And once again the Rockefellers financed yet another attempt at world government.

But also after WW2 came the creation of Israel after Zionist thugs and murderers terrorised the inhabitants of Palestine into the world's largest refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As stated above, before WW2 most Jews did not favour moving to Palestine because they knew the trouble that it would cause. But after Hitler they did. And the amount of support and assistance that Hitler received from The City of London and Wall Street implies that not only was he expected to invade Russia to start a truly large scale war but he was also expected to scare world Jewry into moving to Palestine. The top Zionists were fully prepared for the slaughter of Jews in The Holocaust, knowing full well the effect and trauma that the mass genocide would have on world Jewry.

And now with two world wars successfully executed, and a world government of sorts in the United Nations, which grows more powerful by the year but does not yet have total overt control of national sovereignty, Israel has been sustained and supported with billions every year from the USA. Israel's bullying of its neighbours, and killing innocent Palestinian men, women and children, is the perfect recruiting sergeant for Islamic extremists and terrorists, some of whom have been based in London, hence Londonistan.

So is it any surprise that an Islamic terrorist organisation, formed by the CIA and MI6 in Afghanistan and headed by a member of the Saudi bin Laden family would plan to attack the USA in the way it is alleged to have done?

But the attack of 9/11 was precisely what was wanted by others with war on their minds.

In Rebuilding America's Defenses we can find the following statement regarding persuading the American public to support waging multiple simultaneous wars across the globe:
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.

9/11 was that new Pearl Harbor!

The PNAC mob who wrote that were in charge of the US military when the USAF was mysteriously AWOL as hijacked planes were flying around the North East sector of US air space for nearly two hours to eventually fly into the WTC and even The Pentagon itself!

So you can see the plan slowly unfold over decades with huge pieces in a game of global chess.

In the first world war Palestine was grabbed from the Ottomans and the Palestinians betrayed. But also after decades of trying, a revolution in Russia occurred after Russia had been fighting for over three years and more Russians were sympathetic to a revolution. But even then Lenin was sent into Russia by the Warburgs on a sealed train loaded with Rothschild gold.

In the second world war the Communists and Nazis, both financed by The City of London and Wall Street, fought each other. The USA was eventually dragged into the fray so that many many more Americans would die so it would support a world government after the war. But Hitler had also scared world Jewry into moving to and colonising Palestine. Eretz Israel was declared and has caused much anger, war and terror ever since, as it was supposed to do.

And now after Israel and Saudi Arabia and factions in the US military and intelligence did 9/11, the USA is in the Middle East fighting wars for Israel and risking a horrific world war with Russia and China, with all the horrible weapons that each has in their arsenals.

We must immediately stop supporting the Islamic extremists in Syria and cease hostilities with Iran.

Otherwise the plan for a tyrannical world government, though years behind now and in great danger of failing, could actually be successful.

But this rush to war is just one of my concerns.

The NHS is coming under sever pressure to save money and as a consequence there are increasing numbers of reports that not only old and sick people but also the very young including babies are being killed after being placed on what is known as The Liverpool Care Pathway. This program is very sinister and very much like the Nazi T4 program which was implemented in Nazi Germany to also save money.

This Liverpool Care Pathway must be withdrawn immediately and never used again.

But why are we being forced into saving money by murdering the most vulnerable in our society?

Because the banks were unnecessarily bailed out with nearly a trillion pounds.

The banks knew what they were doing. They abused the power to create money out of nothing. It was all planned at Bilderberg meetings. All the major players attended Bilderberg while the crisis evolved; Osborne, Geithner, Bernanke, Rockefeller, etc. All the major banks that were bailed out with tens of billions each had representatives at Bilderberg while those that were allowed to fail and were bought up at bargain basement prices were not bailed out because they were not members of that exclusive club, Club Bilderberg. It was just plain criminal fraud by financial gangsters. This sordid cast of characters need arresting and locking up, not bailing out and dumping their debts onto us so that we end up killing babies to save money!

This is the direction this United Kingdom is taking.

We are supporting terrorists, not only in Libya and Syria but also with a Covenant of Security in Londonistan.

We are killing babies to save money.

We are risking a horrific world war with Russia and China that would result in the imposition of a tyrannical despotic genocidal world government.

And Jimmy Savile is just the tip of the paedophile iceberg.

This all has to stop immediately.

My grandfathers did not fight in WW2 for this.

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