
Sunday, December 30, 2012


Despite endorsing President Obama in the elections in November, The Washington Bilderberg Post is expressing its dismay and disappointment with Obama and his policy regarding Syria.

If Romney had won then we would have been bombing Syria and Iran very soon next year.

But Obama won...despite Netanyahu's interference.

Shortly after the attack in Benghazi, Libya it was reported that Obama, along with CJCS Dempsey, were considering going public on 9/11. We know for a fact that Israel did 9/11, along with factions in other intel agencies and military, namely UK, Saudi Arabia and the USA itself.

Obama has said that the use of chemical weapons by Assad would change his calculus. Since then there have been several very amateurish attempts to claim that such weapons have been used. These have been followed by claims that Scuds have been used by Assad. But to date no bona fide evidence has been provided. On the contrary, the Syrian military has claimed that the rebs have used such weapons. This was after a scary video was released in which reb-types shouted Allah U Akbar as they murdered two innocent rabbits with a poisonous gas.

Obama does appear to be not following the script, with regards to Syria anyway.

But he does appear to be going after the guns, and sending the US military into Africa, so that if a civil war does occur over his gun-grabbing then the US military will be AWOL (as it was on 9/11) and foreign troops will be used on American soil.

So Obama may appear to be putting the brakes on a rush to war with Russia, but he is delivering the USA unto a world government.

But with the U.N. Security Council blocked from action by Russia and China, the administration has utterly failed to take or organize steps that might end the carnage in Syria. Instead, close allies of the United States, including Britain, France and Turkey, have watched with growing dismay as the White House has concocted excuse after excuse for passivity, most recently a claim that direct U.S. aid to Syrian rebel forces — or even to civilian organizations — would be illegal.

...Most rebel leaders, and average Syrians, are furious at Washington for withholding meaningful aid. They may be disinclined to listen to calls for dismantling the extremist groups that helped win the war. One way or another, Syria will haunt President Obama’s second term — and, based on the record so far, it will be recorded as one of his greatest failures.

[source : U.S. impotence on Syria, WP,, 30th December 2012]

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