
Monday, December 03, 2012


In a very recent interview Rahm Emanuel, Obama's first Chief of Staff and now Mayor of Chicago, has criticized Netanyahu for a number of things, including Netanyahu's apparent support for Romney during the Presidential election. I wonder if this is Obama interfering in Israel's elections.

Not that Obama is a saint...

Chicago Mayor and former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu over what is perceived as his public support of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the last election, Channel 2 News reported on Sunday.

Netanyahu, however, did not support Romney in any perceivable way, but the obvious dislike and disrespect that Obama showed for Israel's democratically elected Prime Minister throughout his first term made it easy for anti-Netanyahu media to present the PM as being for Romney, thereby attempting to damage his image as a responsible leader who has to get along with whoever is elected.

Pro-Netanyahu sources said that the timing of Emanuel's remarks, during Israel's election period, is not coincidental.

[source : Emanuel Slams Netanyahu Over "Support for Romney", INN,, 3rd December 2012]

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