
Friday, January 04, 2013


Writing in The Bilderberg Washington Post Zbigniew Brzezinski calls for diplomacy in US policy on Iran, and not a war which Brzezinksi warns could ignite the whole region and benefit Russia.

Recent Israeli media reports have cited a former member of President Obama’s National Security Council staff predicting a U.S. attack by about midyear.

...Although the president has skillfully avoided a specific commitment to military action by a certain date, the absence of a negotiated agreement with Iran regarding its compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will inevitably intensify some foreign and extremist domestic clamor for U.S. military action, alone or in coordination with Israel.

...Iran, in retaliating, could make life more difficult for U.S. forces in western Afghanistan by activating a new guerrilla front. Tehran could also precipitate explosive violence in Iraq, which in turn could set the entire region on fire, with conflicts spreading through Syria to Lebanon and even Jordan.

...To make matters worse, the most immediate beneficiary of ill-considered recourse to war would be Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which would be able to charge Europe almost at will for its oil while gaining a free hand to threaten Georgia and Azerbaijan.

[source : Iran should be key topic at hearings, WP,, 4th January 2012]

But isn't it Brzezinski who is the dude advising the Old and Decrepit World Order that they had better get their arses into gear because we the people are waking up and waking up very very fast...and getting very pissed off at the stuff that they have done and plan to do to us?

This is rather confusing advice, for it would appear that the foot is being taken off the pedal in the rush to war in the Middle East. But isn't that why they did 9/11? Such a war would be a quicker way to get a world government established. That is how the United Nations was eventually accepted, after years of bloody ridiculous unnecessary world war. WW1 nearly did the trick, but the USA voted out of it so WW2 was engineered and...BINGO! The trauma and chaos of a world war can work wonders with the human psyche. Since the UN was accepted it has gradually assumed more and more global control, with continental governments such as the EU also assuming more and more power.

But they are not there just yet.

Perhaps they think they are so close that they can tiptoe quietly over the line while the fluoride heads are glued to their TVs watching the Superbowl?

Why risk a world war that could shake the rest of humanity from its slumber?

But just a few days ago the same WP Editorial lamented Obama's policy on Syria. With Syria gone Iran would be virtually alone in the region. But then also possibly more compliant.

But isn't it interesting that Brzezinski mentions Syria only once, and then warning that it could ignite if Iran is bombed, as if Syria is currently a haven of peace and tranquility?

But for once Brzezinski has actually said something that is absolutely correct : NO WAR ON IRAN

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