
Friday, February 01, 2013


In response to the blatantly illegal bombing of a Syrian research facility by Israel, Foreign Minister William Hague has refused to condemn the action.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said that rather than condemning the actions of Israel, attention should be focussed on addressing ''the root causes'' of the crisis in Syria.

[source : William Hague: I'm not condemning Israel over 'attack' on Syria, BBC,, 31st January 2013]

But William the root cause is you!

You, NATO, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

You are using extremist Jihadis to attack a sovereign nation state that is an enemy of the Zionist entity...AND YOU ARE LOSING!

The heroes of 2012, the Syrian military, are repelling the Jihadis. Every day it it reported that that 10 or 20 or 30 or more Jihadis are now dead Jihadis. Every day it is reported that the Syrian people hate the NATO proxy terrorist scum. Every day it is reported that the Jihadis are on the run. Every day it is reported that the NATO proxy terrorist scum are destroying peaceful towns and villages, looting and massacring.

The Syrian people are rallying around their President.

The world is awake to your criminal cabal.

Shut up and get our boys out of Syria...NOW!

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