
Sunday, February 10, 2013


The Second Bank of the United States (BUS2) was destroyed by the traitor Andrew Jackson and his anglophile handlers. Jackson hated paper money after losing most of his fortune in a bank crash. This was used by anglophiles to destroy the BUS2 which was financing the creation of a USA that was rapidly becoming a developed industrial nation and a threat to the British Empire.

Now, a lot of disinformation has been put out to portray Jackson as a hero for destroying the BUS2. Some claim, without evidence, that Biddle was an agent of the Rothschilds. These same people claim that Jackson hated the Rothschilds. But these same people do not address why Jackson made the Rothschilds the bankers to the USA!

The BUS2 and The Bank of England were privately-owned central banks. They issued the national currency which was created out of thin air based on a small quantity of specie. This is fact. The US government held only 20% of the stock of the BUS2. The rest, as Jackson pointed out, was held by investors, many of them European. The likes of Astor, Girard and Brown Brothers held stock in BUS2. So why would these kind of investors who held stock in the bank want to destroy it? Surely if their only motive was profit they would keep their investment in The BUS2? Apparently not. These particular investors pulled their investment before Jackson destroyed the bank. I would suggest that these particular investors did not like what Biddle was doing with the bank and the USA itself.

As yet nobody has explained the presence of the inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram in the 1791 street plan of Washington DC that is directly North of The White House. I have recently read that John Quincy Adams, anti-Mason and pro-BUS2, accused Thomas Jefferson of being a member of The Illuminati. As I understand it only three men had control over the design of Washington DC; L'Enfant, Washington and Jefferson. Jefferson, like Jackson, did not trust paper money and banks being able to create money out of thin air. This power to create money out of thin air can be used for good or bad. Jefferson believed that only bad could come from this power, particularly if this power was given to privately owned banks. Hence Jefferson's famous banking quotes. But what Biddle, with support from Adams, did was to use this power to create money out of thin air for good. Under Biddle the USA was transformed within years.

I strongly believe that the USA had a destiny long before 1776, dating back 6000 years or so. The Freemasonic celebrations and ceremonies etc that occured during the founding of Washington DC prove this, as do the alignments of some streets and objects with the sun. The USA is the most powerful military nation on Earth, with bases in nearly every country on Earth. When you consider the White House pentagram and Moloch on the pyramid in the street plan of Washington DC I believe that it is highly probable that this was the destiny of America, to be the world's dominant nation, terrorising, invading, murdering, defrauding, etc. But the American revolutionaries of 1776 went a bit too...revolutionary, and took their freedom and the development of a free and prosperous USA very, very seriously indeed. The revolutionaries saw the power of creating money out of thin air as a force for good, not just evil like The Bank of England used it.

But for the USA to have this destiny it had to develop into that nation. I suggest that the BUS2 was creating an America that was overtaking The British Empire and was not under the control of the satanists who controlled England at the time. The USA had to develop into a world superpower but only at the correct rate. If the BUS2 had survived and built a free and prosperous America which was full of lovers of freedom, liberty and justice then it would have no doubt launched a devastating war on Great Britain and given that evil empire a jolly good thrashing.

This is probably not that revolutionary a suggestion, that the British Empire saw the USA as a threat. But history has been explained so far by two suggestions; the first is that the revolution of 1776 was genuine and had no other motive; the second is that the revolution was not genuine but was a giant hoax which was followed by the creation of a series of privately-owned banks.

This third suggestion combines my belief that the USA had a 6000 year old destiny, that the revolution was provoked to achieve that destiny, but things got a little out of hand and the revolutionaries took their revolution just a bit too seriously such that the USA could have reached its destiny not under the control of the satanists.

Anyway. What else does this mean other than the USA being a satanic force?

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