
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Last year it was reported by Press TV that President Obama, CJCS Dempsey and others were considering going public on 9/11. In late 2007 Francesco Cossiga, who exposed NATO Operation Gladio, stated that the world's intelligence agencies know that factions in US and Israeli intelligence did the inside job 9/11 to blame Israel's opponents. Cossiga should also accuse Saudi Arabia and the DFK. Before the inside job 9/11 Zionist documents A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses called for war and regime change on several of Israel's enemies; Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Shortly after the inside job 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told that the USA was going to start war and regime change in seven nations in five years. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. Clark also recalled a conversation he had with Paul Wolfowitz in 1991 in which Wolfowitz stated that the USA "had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes; Iraq, Iran, Syria". Wolfowitz was instrumental in establishing the Zionist cabal in the USA that implemented the foreign policy coup through PNAC, and accused by Clark.

So you do not need a PhD from The University of the Bleedin' Obvious to see what has happened. The Zionist cabal, under orders from the DFK and in league with Saudi Arabia, did the inside job 9/11 to implement the plans set out in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses. But it has all gone Pete Tong for the warmongers. By 2007 only Saddam Hussein had been replaced. A small war in 2006 that was engineered by Israel on Hezbollah led to an embarrassing defeat for Israel. So a Faustian agreement was reached between Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA that nasty cutthroat Jihadis would be unleashed onto some nations named to Clark. The first was Libya in 2011. They have since moved onto Syria. If you want evidence of just how nasty and cutthroat these Jihadis then go to the Friends of Syria website at I do not wish to show the horrific videos of Jihadis cutting heads off people but if you want the gruesome evidence of who Hague and Cameron are supporting then watch the videos there. All I can say is that the Jihadis are fucking animals who should be destroyed by the brave Syrian people and their military!

This sets the context for this press conference today.

On Syria, Obama had this to say:
When asked why the United States is not intervening directly in the civil war in Syria, Obama said, "To the extent possible I want to make sure that we are working as an international community. This is a world problem, not a U.S. problem. So we will continue to work in an international framework," regarding Syria.

[source : Obama: Little Daylight between Us on Iran, INN,, 20th March 2013]

This does not sound very supportive of intervention in Syria. The Washington Post has continually demanded intervention in Syria. So far Obama has resisted. The probable use of chemical weapons by the al Qaeda rebs recently in Syria was a false flag attack to blame Assad.

But to me the great put down by Obama consists of Obama calling Netanyahu "Bibi".

A Palestinian state was also not unexpectedly mentioned:
While emphasizing the need for Israeli security, United States President Barack Obama mentioned "two states for two people" during his joint press conference with Prime Minster Benyamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. He called for an "independent Palestinian state" living "side by side in peace and security with Israel," but made sure not to give the impression he was imposing any foreign dictates not requested by the indigenous population.

[source : Obama Cautiously Mentions Palestinian State, INN,, 20th March 2013]

And Obama takes the limeade out of Netanyahu's ugliness with this accurate arrow:
8:38 P.M. Obama takes the stage, expresses 'a special thanks to Sara and to your two sons... very handsome men, who clearly got their looks from their mother.'

[source : LIVE BLOG: Barack Obama visits Israel: Day one, Haaretz,, 20th March 2013]

So far, despite the mentions of Iran, and his doubts that the rebs did the chem attack (and doubts does not mean war), I believe Obama is not acquiescing, not immediately, to the war agenda that the NWO are desperate for as the financial system blows up out of their control.

If only Obama would stop killing babies through abortion, and using drones for cowardly murder, and implementing a Nazi T4 style health 'care' program...

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