
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Just when you thought it was safe to forget the Terry Venables Look-a-Likey Boris Berezovsky, having been led to believe that either Putin did it (again?) or Tez did himself in, there is now a very, very interesting article in none other than The Guardian.

Until now every report that I have read had suggested that Berezovsky was debt-ridden, depressed and suffering from ill health, or there was the obligatory "Putin was his enemy and could have done it".

Now a friend of Berezovsky is crying murder!
According to Nikolai Glushkov, one of Berezovsky's oldest friends, Galina emerged from the house believing Berezovsky may have been murdered. She has yet to give an account of what she saw, but Glushkov, who spoke to her afterwards, told the Guardian: "I'm definite Boris was killed. I have quite different information from what is being published in the media."

[source : Boris Berezovsky's death leaves friends suspecting foul play, The Guardian,, 24th March 2013]


Why is this dynamite? Because just hours earlier the British Police had been looking for nuclear material at Berezovsky's house and declared to have found nothing and that the scene was safe.

But read this.

Mr Berezovsky was declared dead at the scene by a paramedic. On leaving the premises, the paramedic's personal electronic dosimeter (PED) was triggered. The device measures the air for potentially dangerous levels of radiation.

However, specialist officers who attended the scene subsequently found no trace of radiation of chemical agents and have said there is no health risk.

[source : Boris Berezovsky found dead on bathroom floor behind locked door, The Daily Telegraph,, Accessed 2248 GMT 24th March 2013]

So here is review of the situation.
1. at first Berezovsky was reported to have committed suicide
2. the British press then pounce on this and imply Putin may have done it
3. because of this implication it becomes acceptable for the Police to search Berezovsky's house for nuclear material
4. the Police claim to have not found nuclear material, but the above report suggests something was there
5. I have proposed that Berezovsky was smuggling nuclear material and that this caused the death of Litvinenko
6. if 5. was true then the British would of course like to cover this up
7. but a Wikileaks memo has suggested that the British knew of illegal smuggling of nuclear material through London
8. Berezovsky was due to give evidence at the Litvinenko inquest soon, but is also alleged that he had written to Putin for forgiveness and wanted to return to Russia.

Regarding point 8,. what information could Berezovsky give to Russia upon his return?

And now Berezovsky's friend is claiming murder while the British media, after reporting a search for nuclear material at Berezovsky's house for nuclear material and claiming to have found nothing but a paramedic's dosimeter went off?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



What readers must understand is that the British media lied us into war on Iraq, lied to us about the conflict in Libya, and is lying to us regarding the situation in Syria and Iran, propagating the myth that the uprisings there have popular support. The reality is that these uprisings only have the support of Langley and Vauxhall and al Qaeda, with the people of Syria and Iran resisting the covert invasions of nasty cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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