
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


1. The US government has been slowly but surely demonizing gun owners and patriots
2. The US government has been openly preparing for a civil war over guns, engaging itself in a terrifying build up of ammo and other military hardware to be used during civil unrest
3. The bombs exploded on Patriot’s Day which commemorates the first battles in the American Revolution, giving a hint that the bombing is related to patriots rather than Jihadis
4. As with many other false flag events, there was a drill occurring at the time, with the drill in Boston involving sniffer dogs
5. Newtown families were close to the explosions, adding to the patriot/gun element to the bombings
6. Kerry would have been in Boston, but he was curiously on the other side of the world due to a hyped-up conflict involving North Korea

Add these together and you get false flag terror in Boston.

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