
Friday, May 17, 2013


On Wednesday 15th May 2013 The New York Times published an article in which it was being claimed that Israel was thinking about attacking Syria again in order to stop weapons reaching Hezbollah, threatening to destroy Assad if Syria retaliated to any further attacks.
WASHINGTON — In a clear warning to Syria to stop the transfer of advanced weapons to Islamic militants in the region, a senior Israeli official signaled on Wednesday that Israel was considering additional military strikes to prevent that from happening and that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, would face crippling consequences if he retaliated.

“Israel is determined to continue to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah,” the Israeli official said. “The transfer of such weapons to Hezbollah will destabilize and endanger the entire region.”

“If Syrian President Assad reacts by attacking Israel, or tries to strike Israel through his terrorist proxies,” the official said, “he will risk forfeiting his regime, for Israel will retaliate.”

[source : Israel Hints at New Strikes, Warning Syria Not to Hit Back, New York Times,, 15th May 2013]

This appears to have provoked CIA chief John Brennan to make an unannounced and unexpected trip to Israel to meet with the top Israeli political and military apparatus.
The CIA chief has made an unexpected visit to Israel to meet senior political and military figures to discuss the deteriorating security situation in neighbouring Syria.

John Brennan, who took up his post two months ago, met the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, defence minister, Moshe Ya'alon, military chief of staff, Benny Gantz, and Mossad chief, Tamir Pardo, according to reports in Israel media.

The unannounced meetings followed two Israeli air strikes on weapons stores near Damascus a fortnight ago. Israel has repeatedly warned it will take action to prevent advanced or chemical weapons being transferred to the Syrian regime's Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, or falling into the hands of jihadist groups fighting alongside the Syrian opposition.

According to a report in the Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronoth, the visit stemmed from "the American fear of escalation in the region against the backdrop of [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah's threats to act against Israel in the Golan Heights and the American sense that Israel is disappointed by the ineffectuality of the Obama administration with regard to the ongoing deterioration in Syria.

[source : CIA chief John Brennan makes surprise Israel visit for Syria talks, The Guardian,, 17th May 2013]


Obama has seriously embarrassed Netanyahu by not falling for the Ziobullshit that Assad had used chemical weapons, and not acquiesced to Erdogan's call for a No Fly Zone, or for Cameron's calls for action by telling Cameron to stay in Europe.

This last week or so has been a turning point.

There have been several high profile meetings between leaders involved in Syria:
1. Netanyahu was in Moscow shortly after Kerry visited Moscow to plead that the S300 not be sent to Syria, a plea that was ignored (nice one!)
2. Cameron was in the USA to meet with Obama claiming that Russia had moved its position on Syria (yeah, backing Syria more!)
3. Erdogan was also in the USA to meet with Obama, shortly after two car bombs exploded in Reyhanli which Erdogan immediately blamed on Syria
4. Ban Ki Moon is currently in Russia to discuss Syria
5. and now CIA chief Brennan swiftly and unexpectedly flies to Israel to meet with Netanyahu ad top brass after Israel threatened to attack Syria again.

And to top it all off, the brave and competent Syrian Arab Army has made gain after gain after gain, but in the process losing several of their bretheren to the bullets of the al Qaeda scum, as seen in the gruesome videos of exections, and the sick possessed FSA/al Nusra cannibal eating a man's heart.

So after all this diplomacy, where are we?

Russia has backed Syria further, Obama has not fallen for the Ziobullshit or the false flag of Reyhanli and has not implemented a No Fly Zone despite the constant calls for such from the rebels and The Washington Post, and peace talks seeking a political solution are still going ahead and may even be taking place earlier than expected.

And all this occurs just as Obama is embroiled in a series of scandals?

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