
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


  • 9/11 was executed by Israel, Saudi Arabia and factions within the USA for Israel to start WW3 and/or to implement The Yinon Plan IN FULL, and
  • Obama has refused to intervene directly in Syria to oust Assad, forcing Israel to expose itself by attacking Syria itself in coordination with al Qaeda and forcing Israel to embarrass itself by ignoring Israel's claims that Assad had crossed Obama's 'red line' by using chemical weapons (which were lies), and
  • there was a gun/missile running operation out of Benghazi that Obama did or did not know about,
then they are prepared to kick Obama out to be replaced by a pro-war gimp.

Steve Pieczenik, who on The Alex Jones Show of 9th May 2013 claimed he took out Aldo Moro and called Abraham Lincoln a tyrant (as in sic semper tyrannis?) and is an expert in psychological warfare, recently praised Neocon Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for their coverage of Benghazi. Pieczenik went for the jugular on that show, even apparently disturbing Alex Jones with what he was alleging and calling for. Jones even questioned Pieczenik's integrity asking why he was still alive.

On the other hand, Webster Tarpley claimed that Benghazi was about the Carterization of Obama by The CIA Mormon Mafia to get Romney elected, when Romney and Netanyahu are long time buddies, linking the sacking of a number of US top brass, CIA double agents from Guantanamo, The Innocence of Muslims film to Neocon circles, and the fact that Mormon Jason Chaffetz sits on the committee investigating Benghazi and tried to divert the questioning to protect Petraeus and could have some decision as to who to question and with what questions. Tarpley investigated the murder of Aldo Moro.

In addition to this, Pieczenik criticised CJCS Dempsey a lot.

So with Obama refusing to intervene directly in Syria when the al Qaeda rebs are being liquidated by the Syrian Arab Army, The Washington Post much more frequently demanding intervention and an apparent capitulation to Russia for a negotiated peace, Obama is seriously under pressure in scandal after scandal. And yet there is no direct evidence linking him to the scandals? Lots of circumstantial evidence but as yet nothing concrete.

I personally wonder if this very revealing paragraph from Press TV last year has something to do with current events and scandals.
Some of the same high-level sources who point to Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama's re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.

[source : Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11, PressTV,, 21st September 2012]

I suggest:
1. do not get caught up in emotion and get rid of Obama yet. Yes, his policies are abhorrent; pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-euthansia through economic and health policies, preparing for a civil war with the American people by buying up ammo, etc.
2. call for a calm and thorough investigation into Benghazi, one that is not controlled by a Mormon
3. if Obama is found guilty then he has to go.

But I believe that Obama is definitely scaring quite a few people with his reluctance to escalate the violence that was supposed to occur after 9/11. He is embarrassing Israel and has made some peace overtures with Iran. And that was NOT in the 9/11 script!

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