
Sunday, May 05, 2013


In a letter to The United Nations regarding the attacks by Israel, Syria has released more details than NATO media initially reported.
The statement said three military sites had been hit - a research centre at Jamraya, a paragliding airport in the al-Dimas area of Damascus and a site in Maysaloun.

It added: 'The flagrant Israeli attack on armed forces sites in Syria underlines the co-ordination between 'Israel', terrorist groups and... the al-Nusra Front," the statement said, referring to al-Qaeda militants fighting with the rebels.

'The Israeli attack led to the fall of a number of martyrs and wounded from the ranks of Syrian citizens, and led to widespread destruction in these sites and in the civilian districts near to them.'

[source : Israel strikes Damascus: Syria accuses Tel Aviv of siding with terrorists after rockets hit research centre, The Daily Mail,, 5th May 2013]

From the same report:
The Observatory said the blasts hit Jamraya as well as a nearby ammunition depot. Other activists said a missile brigade and two Republican Guard battalions may also have been targeted in the heavily militarised area just north of Damascus.

If this is true then Syria can confidently claim that the attacks were designed to assist the al Qaeda rebels whose butts were being kicked big time by the competent Syrian military.
Syrian television said: 'The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army.'

This also adds to the desperation felt by Israel after it first did the inside job 9/11 to kick off a series of wars on seven nations in five years, as revealed to General Wesley Clark. By 2007 that plan was moribund, so Israel entered into a Faustian pact with the USA and Saudi Arabia to unleash nasty cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum onto Libya and Syria. But now that plan is also moribund.

Israel has made allegation after allegation that Assad used chemical weapons, but President Obama, who Netanyahu actively opposed in last year's Presidential election, has not fallen for the Ziobullshit.

Israel is now having to do its own dirty work, after using Americans in Iraq and al Qaeda in Libya and Syria.

Still, Syria, Hezbollah and Iran should do nothing in retaliation. If Republican Guards and ammunition dumps were attacked then this does indeed imply that Israel is desperate to raise the morale of the Syrian cutthroat al Qaeda rebs who were getting their butts kicked by the competent Syrian military. And it is plain for the whole world to see.

Even Hasty Hague cannot fail to see this now...surely to God.

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