
Friday, May 24, 2013


Yesterday a youth worker called Abdullah phoned into the Vanessa Feltz show on BBC Radio London. For nearly 10 minutes Abdullah expressed his deep anguish at not telling the police about his concern for the Woolwich butchers who slayed a British soldier in broad daylight and then charged at armed police. Abdullah stated that he had talked at length with the butchers and attempted to dissuade them from their violent desires. Abdullah also stated that they wanted to go to Syria to fight. Other witnesses now state that one of the butchers had been calling for Muslims to go to Syria for at least the last 2 weeks.

Today the NATO media is apparently outraged that MI5 had the butchers on their radar for years. This disturbing news has caused the Intelligence and Security Committee to investigate what MI5 knew and when. But I do not have any confidence in the ISC. They whitewashed the investigation into 7/7. I wrote to the ISC THREE times between 2003-2005 providing evidence of electromagnetic harassment, directed energy weapons and remote mind-reading, but they did nothing.

But the news that the butchers were propagating terrorism in Syria is barely mentioned. The following is all that I could find, mentioned in a brief sentence or buried deep in a very long article.
Residents said the former University of Greenwich student was handing out leaflets encouraging locals to support rebels in Syria.

[source : Betrayal of a hero father: How MI5 spent EIGHT YEARS watching violent ex-prisoner who preached outside Poundland just yards from murder scene only days before soldier was hacked to death, The Daily Mail,, 24th May 203]

The 28-year-old was a regular at the al-Muhajiroun stall outside the HSBC branch on Woolwich high street, handing out extremist literature, and one witness said he was recently seen outside Plumstead community centre encouraging an audience to go to Syria to fight.

[source : Suspect's journey from schoolboy football to phonejacking and jihad, The Guardian,, 23rd May 2013]

By the time he was seen on the streets wielding a cleaver a decade later, he used the name Mujahid and had become a snarling fire-and-brimstone preacher exhorting fellow Muslims to travel to Syria to fight.

[source : The killer: Woolwich suspect, Michael Adebolajo, described as the 'typical boy next door' from devout Christian family, The Independent,, 23rd May 2013]

There are two articles on The Times that could also mention this but I am not paying for access to that warmongering website.

And that is about it in UK media.

But it is also not mentioned on Russia Today, which is very surprising and disappointing. Not even George Galloway mentions this in an interview by RT, but Galloway does make frequent mention that this kind of event now occurs in Syria everyday thanks to our support.

In other media there are a few mentions that Syria is currently the focus of Jihadis, and that Jihadis may return to their home nations and continue the Jihad at home.

But with Woolwich what we have is a direct link between home grown terrorism and Syria. The butchers, with the fresh, warm blood of a slain British soldier on their hands recorded on video, wanted to go to Syria to join the cutthroats who have been butchering pro-Assad families, including children, irrespective of their religion, and they were seen several times calling for others to go to Syria!

This point needs to be hammered and hammered and hammered if you really want to end the immoral and criminal support for the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum in Syria.

Finally, just the day before the Woolwich butchers murdered a British soldier on a British street in broad daylight, William Hague was in The House of Commons discussing Syria and extremists.

The Foreign Secretary warned that the bloody conflict between rebels and Syrian government forces was attracting Muslim fanatics from around the world, including the UK.

And he gave his clearest signal yet that Britain was ready to supply arms to the rebels.

He told MPs: “The conflict is creating opportunities for extremist groups.

“Syria is now the number one destination for jihadists, including 70 to 100 individuals connected with the UK.”

“We have to be open to every way of strengthening moderates and saving lives rather than the current trajectory of extremism and murder.”

[source : 100 Britons ‘fighting in Syria war’, The Daily Express,, 21st May 2013]

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