
Sunday, May 12, 2013


The privileged fascist Iain Duncan Smith must be so proud of himself. His parents must be so proud of him too. Smith lives in a very, very nice house. This is it.

[source :]

The Daily Mirror reported on the grotesque injustice that IDS was forcing people to leave their homes when he lives like a lord rent-free in such a beautiful home with a swimming pool and tennis courts, you know, the essential things in life.
The man behind the controversial bedroom tax lives rent-free in a £2million aristocratic country house… with at least FOUR spare bedrooms.

Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, is a tenant of the landed gentry Fremantle family.

But unlike the 660,000 families in social housing who are being forced to pay an average of £14 a week extra for a spare bedroom, Mr Duncan Smith can live happily knowing he has to pay no rent or mortgage.

The 16th-century Tudor house on a sprawling estate in Buckinghamshire originally had five bedrooms but has had wings added down the centuries.

With a swimming pool, tennis courts and set in acres of countryside, it’s a far-cry from the social housing his bedroom tax victims live in.

It’s also a world away from the MP for Chingford and Woodford Green’s London constituency – and is sure to further enrage the thousands of protesters who marched around Britain against his hated tax yesterday.

But Old Etonian IDS lives free on the estate like a Lord.

The former Tory leader – who lost the top job after a no confidence vote by his party in 2003 – married into the Fremantle family in 1982 and was given use of the mansion by his father-in-law, the 5th Baron Cottesloe, in 2001.

Mr Duncan Smith and his wife Betsy Cottesloe moved there and brought up their four children in the peaceful, privileged, countryside setting.

One local said: “It is in a beautiful area. I don’t know how many bedrooms it has but I’d say there are more than five now after all the extensions that have gone up over the years.

“It must be worth millions.”

[source : Bedroom tax: Iain Duncan Smith lives rent free in £2million country home with at least FOUR spare bedrooms, The Daily Mirror,, 30th March 2013]

So IDS must be so proud of himself today that his policies have led to a grandmother of a one year old grandson to kill herself because she was being asked to find £20 per week extra to stay in her home of 18 years.
Ten days ago Stephanie Bottrill sat in the redbrick terrace house which had been home for 18 years to write notes to her loved ones, the Sunday People reports .

She ripped the pages from a spiral-bound notebook and placed them neatly in little brown envelopes.

There was one for her son. Another for her daughter. Her mother. Friends. And a very special one for the year-old grandson she doted on.

Then in the early hours of last Saturday Stephanie, 53, left her home for the last time, leaving her cat Joey behind as the front-door clicked shut.

She crossed her road in Meriden Drive, Solihull, to drop one of her letters and her house keys through a neighbour’s letterbox. Then she walked 15 minutes through the sleeping estate to Junction 4 of the M6.

And at 6.15am she walked straight into the path of a northbound lorry and was killed instantly. Stephanie Bottrill had become the first known suicide victim of the hated Bedroom Tax.

[source : Bedroom Tax victim commits suicide: Grandmother Stephanie Bottrill blames government in tragic note, The Daily Mirror,, 12th May 2013]

Bravo, IDS!


That's another grandmother six feet under to bail out the fascist banks, along with the rest who have been murdered by The Liverpool Care Pathway, and the cold because they can't afford to heat their homes, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

This is the Disunited Fascist Kingdom in 2013, possessed and cursed with Savilery, and supporting cutthroat terrorists in Syria.

The solution is not to impose such brutal austerity that people kill themselves.

The solution is a state bank issuing debt free money to rebuild this nation into one we can be proud of and pass onto our children, a bank modeled on The Second Bank of The United States that was supported by the Anti-Mason John Quincy Adams and destroyed by the British agent Andrew Jackson because it was very quickly building the Republic of the United States of America into a huge threat to the evil British Empire.

If you have not done so already sign the petition by UK Column for debt free state-issued money.

Sign the petition at

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