
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am concerned at the rhetoric from terrorist supporter William Hague who yesterday warned President Bashar al Assad that he had better negotiate sincerely at the upcoming talks in Geneva.
There remains a serious risk that the Assad regime will not negotiate seriously. This is the lesson of the last two years, in which the regime has shown that it is prepared to countenance any level of loss of life in Syria for as long as it hopes it can win militarily. And we also have to persuade the opposition to come to the table; recognising how difficult it is for them to enter into negotiations with a regime engaged in butchering thousands of people.

[source : The Foreign Secretary William Hague made a statement to Parliament on Syria., FCO,, 20th Mat 2013]

President Obama is satisfying the NWO agenda in many ways, through abortion, gun and ammo control in preparation for a civil war with the American people, healthcare, bailing out Wall Street, etc. So it is with great surprise and curiosity that despite arming the Syrian rebels covertly, and giving them $250 million (just this year alone), and some blatant Ziobullshit, Zioprovocations and Ziofalse flags and pressure from The Washington Post and the rebels themselves, he has refused to support direct military intervention, perhaps in the form of the suggested No Fly Zone over Syria and a buffer zone. He has instead agreed to peace talks in Geneva without preconditions.

But the wild card in all this is Israel. The inside Ziojob 9/11 was done to trick the American people into supporting wars for Israel. Before the inside Ziojob 9/11, Zionists had written several documents outlining their plans to attack Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon/Hezbollah, and shortly after the inside Ziojob 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a classified Pentagon plan to attack seven nations in five years; Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Sudan, Libya and Somalia. As I have stated many times before, the plan revealed to General Clark is way behind schedule and effectively moribund. So moribund in fact that in 2007 a Plan B was implemented in which cutthroat Jihadis would be unleashed onto some of the nations named to Clark. The first to suffer was Libya, but the cutthroat Jihadis, though armed, trained, advised and assisted by special forces of the UK and Qatar, still needed overt assistance from NATO in the form of a UN agreed No Fly Zone. This NFZ was quickly abused and turned into a Vietnam-esque bombing campaign, laying waste to Libya and killing tens of thousands of Libyan civilians. After Gaddafi was 'got', the Jihadis and their weapons were transported to Lebanon and Turkey to invade Syria and 'get' Assad.

But over 2 years after The (fake) Arab Spring began in Syria, after US Ambassador to Syria Robert "Death Squad" Ford set up death squads there, and over 18 months since the murder of Gaddafi, Assad is still alive and in power, and Syria is rallying to his side as the evil of the foreign Jihadis becomes more and more apparent and unquestionable, and the brave and competent Syrian military is on the verge of wiping out the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum.

NATO is shocked at the resistance, cunning and stamina of Assad and his brave and competent military, and the resilience and loyalty of the Syrian people. But if NATO is shocked, Israel is shitting its pants.

The Israeli leadership is so concerned that a few weeks ago it intervened directly in Syria and attacked Damascus, claiming to be stopping a convoy of Iranian weapons in transit through Syria bound for Hezbollah. In reality, Israel attacked several divisions of the Syrian Arab Army in coordination with the rebels who simultaneously attacked several checkpoints in and around Damascus. The SAA had been destroying the rebels in Damascus. There are suggestions by writers at Veterans Today that Israel used a Howitzer actually based in Syria firing nuclear missiles.

In addition to this blatant violation of national sovereignty, Israel is planning to assassinate Assad.
The Israeli regime’s security bodies are working on a plot to assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by the help of terrorist groups and armed rebels in the country after Damascus showed strength and months of resistance against the terrorist attacks orchestrated by US, Israel and their Arab partners, the Israeli media reported on Tuesday.

The Israeli Vala news website reported that the Israeli security and spy agencies were shocked at Assad’s resistance against two years of terrorist and sabotage operations against the country and are mulling other ways to topple him.

Meantime, the report underlined high security measures adopted by the Syrian forces in safeguarding the roads to Damascus where government buildings are located and Assad himself resides, and said the only way to assassinate the Syrian president is designing a complicated operation and coaxing the people close to Assad into betraying him.

[source : Israel Mulling Plot to Assassinate Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, Global Research,, 19th May 2013]

So when I read that Hague is challenging Assad to negotiate sincerely at the Geneva talks, I am concerned that this is actually a trap, to coax Assad to attend Geneva personally where he will be away from his usual security procedures and apparatus and vulnerable to assassination by Israel.

I therefore warn President Assad to be very, very careful. There is something not right with Obama's refusal to implement a NFZ. On the face of it, it looks very encouraging. But Obama is implementing so much of 'the agenda' that caution is well advised.

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