
Thursday, May 16, 2013


I wrote about the Kennedys yesterday, trying to show that the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK were all connected by the Vietnam War, which itself is part of the plan for three world wars attributed to Albert Pike. I wrote about the USS Liberty too, which I initially believed was a false flag attack by Israel to drag the USA into its war on Egypt, but some Liberty sites proposed that Israel, which admitted the attack, did so to stop the Liberty intercepting Israeli plans to attack the Golan and reports of atrocities committed by Israel.

I was unaware of the following article when I wrote yesterday, but it does have significant relevance. Its author Laurent Guyenot attempts to show that JFK was assassinated by Israel due to his opposition to Israeli interference in US politics and Israel's desire for the bomb when he and Khrushchev were in secret contact working towards global nuclear disarmament. Guyenot does not provide any evidence that links Israel to the assassination of JFK, but the motive is there. But would Israel assassinate a President of the USA?

Guyenot then describes the attack on the USS Liberty. According to the article JFK was decreasing aid to Israel. LBJ drastically increased it. LBJ also reversed another Kennedy policy, that of war in Vietnam. In 1966 the USA entered into a secret agreement to destroy Nasser, which some believe the attack on the USS Liberty was supposed to do by blaming the attack on Egypt. But the attack was called off when a Soviet ship arrived.
On the sunny day of June 8, 1967, three unmarked Mirage bombers and three torpedo boats flying an Israeli flag bombed, strafed and torpedoed for 75 minutes this NSA (National Security Agency) ship -unarmed, floating in international waters and easily recognizable - with the obvious intention of leaving no survivors, machine-gunning even the lifeboats. They only stopped at the approach of a Soviet ship, after killing 34 crew members, mostly engineers, technicians and translators. It is assumed that if they had succeeded in sinking the ship without witnesses, the Israelis would have attributed the crime to Egypt, so as to drag the United States into war on the side of Israel.

According to Peter Hounam, author of Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III (2003), the attack on the Liberty was secretly authorized by the White House as part of the project labeled Frontlet 615, "a secret political arrangement in 1966 by which Israel and the U.S. had vowed to destroy (Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser)." The orders issued by the White House that day, which delayed the rescue mission by several hours, suggest that Johnson not only covered up the Israelis post-facto, but also conspired with them. Oliver Kirby, the NSA Director for Operations at the time, reported to journalist John Crewdson of the Chicago Tribune (October 2, 2007) that the communications transcripts from the Israeli planes intercepted by the NSA and sent to Washington immediately, left no doubt as to the identity of the attackers, and about the fact that they were aware it was a U.S. target before the attack: "I’m willing to swear on a stack of Bibles that we knew they knew [that it was a U.S. ship]." Unmasked, Israel claimed it was a case of mistaken identity and offered its apology, which Lyndon Johnson meekly accepted on the grounds that "I will not embarrass our ally." When, in January 1968, Johnson received Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol to Washington and then invited him to his Texas ranch, relations were cozy.

[source : Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb, Voltairenet,, 2nd May 2013]

This possible attempt at provoking WW3 by Israel conniving with the USA to attack an Arab nation protected by Russia sounds remarkably similar to events of the last decade and may well have been the false flag attack to trigger Pike's WW3. At the time there was also The Vietnam War between the USA and Communism. And such a world war would have come just 20 years after the previous world war. Why wait for another 35 years to execute the inside Ziojob 9/11, risking much of the world waking up to the plan? This could also explain why a Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan was selected to assassinate RFK just as he was about to win the Presidency and take the USA out of The Vietnam War while developing a strong relationship with MLK.

Unfortunately the author does not address the assassinations of RFK and MLK, which with that of JFK are linked to Vietnam. There could have been a pro-Israeli extreme right wing faction in the USA that did indeed organise the JFK assassination and used the Cuban debacle to get Kennedy. But until such evidence does appear I strongly believe that
1. there is a centuries old plan for three world wars
2. that The Vietnam War was designed to keep "Communism in check" as per that plan
3. the Kennedys and MLK were assassinated to keep that war going
4. the attack on the USS Liberty was possibly designed to trigger WW3, but the circumstances at the time had possibly not quite matched Pike's plan because one component of the plan was that the world should be divided over the issue of Zionism v Islam, and I am not that sure that the world was that divided in 1967, but it is now. And was the world government apparatus in such an advanced state then that if all sovereignty had been ceded to it in the late 1960s then could it have coped and survived? But if the attack on the USS Liberty was designed to trigger WW3 then can we say that their plans are not just years but decades behind? I addressed this on my website.

WW1 finished in 1918.
WW2 started in 1939, 21 years later.
WW2 finished in 1945.
21 years later would have been 1966, the year Frontlet 615 was agreed and the year before the USS Liberty was attacked.

Something to think about on this beautiful mid-May morning in England, UK, Europe, Planet Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way, The Universal Siumulation.

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