
Wednesday, May 08, 2013


One of the better writers at The Guardian, Seamus Milne, has recently written one of the better comments/articles on Syria on that suspected Ziowebsite, but sadly it is dead wrong, and does not even get half way to the source of the violence in Syria.

Milne writes
The reality is that what began in Syria more than two years ago as a brutally repressed popular uprising has long since morphed into a vicious sectarian war, manipulated by outside forces to change the regional balance of power and already dangerously spilling over into neighbouring Lebanon and Iraq.

The consequences for Syria have been multiple massacres, ethnic cleansing, torture, a humanitarian crisis and the risk of the country's breakup. The longer the war, the greater the danger of a Yugoslavian-style fragmentation into sectarian and ethnic enclaves.

The Assad regime bears responsibility for that, of course. But so do those who have funded and fuelled the war, bleeding Syria and weakening the Arab world in the process. The demand by Cameron and other western politicians to increase the flow of arms is reckless and cynical.

[source : The west and its allies cynically bleed Syria to weaken Iran, The Guardian,, 7th May 2013]
So where is Milne dead wrong?

The Assad regime does not bear any responsibility whatsoever.

In 2007 General Wesley Clark gave speeches and interviews in which he recalled a conversation he had in 1991 with Paul Wolfowitz, in which Wolfowitz stated that the USA had 5 to 10 years to take out “those old Soviet client regimes; Iraq, Iran, Syria, before the next superpower comes along”. Ten years later and the USA government apparatus was dominated by Zionists such as Wolfowitz. Bush was not one, but his brother Jeb, Governor of Florida, was and...surprise! It was Florida which at first declared for Gore in 2000 but surprised everyone by suddenly declaring for Bush which gave Bush the Presidency. Bush then surrounded himself with Zionists; Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton, Feith. The Ziolist is long. These Zionists had previously written a document called A Clean Break for then Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin “nutter” Netanyahu which called for war on those nations named to Clark by Wolfowitz; Iraq, Iran and Syria, plus one more, Lebanon i.e. Hezbollah.

Many of these Zionists formed a group called The Project for a New Zionist American Century, and in 2000 they published a document entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses in which they called for a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to go on a global warmongering rampage, but in particular against some of the Zionists’ favourite enemies,like Iraq and Iran.

On 11th September 2001 PNAC got their “new Pearl Harbor” when some of them were in charge of the US military which was mysteriously and suspiciously AWOL on the murdered September day.

And so the USA went to war.

The first nation the USA invaded was Afghanistan, where the prime suspect Osama bin Laden was allegedly hiding out. But several times during the years before 9/11 opportunities arose to take out bin Laden, but the final green light was suspiciously never given. Bin Laden was never listed by the FBI as wanted explicitly for 9/11. And during the summer of 2001 there were negotiations with the Taliban about transit pipelines, for which the Taliban wanted a lot of money. The Taliban had also eradicated the opium crops which were a huge cash cow for the Anglo-American Establishment. Bin Laden was never found, but that was because he had died of Marfan Syndrome late 2001/early 2002.

Next up was Iraq. And here is where it gets really interesting, and where Milne starts go wrong.

Shortly after the inside Ziojob 9/11, General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon (these four should by now sound all too familiar), and also Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Iraq was accused of having a WMD program and of being involved in the inside Ziojob 9/11. But it was all lies, lies, lies, and Iraq was invaded in 2003 and Saddam (or a double) was (allegedly) hanged.

In February 2005 the former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri was blown up in Beirut. Ziofingers immediately pointed at Syria. A Cedar Revolution was provoked to force Syria to withdraw from Lebanon, which it did. This left Hezbollah exposed. So in 2006 Israel sent some unsuspecting IDF into an area known to be occupied by Hezbollah. The IDF were killed and Israel knew this (as recently admitted by Olmert) but Israel acted as though Hezbollah had captured the troops and was holding them hostage. This gave Israel the excuse to wage war on Hezbollah. But despite its enormous military machine and powerful Ziofriends, Israel lost that war. Hundreds of innocent Lebanese, including children lost their lives.

There were numerous attempts to get at Iran.

But by 2007 the plan for war on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark was moribund. So a Faustian pact was reached between Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash extreme Jihadi types onto Libya and Syria to inject some life into the moribund Plan A.

But to provide cover for these Jihadis a popular movement was required so that the violent abhorrent tendencies of the Jihadis could be glossed over and the cutthroat Jihadis portrayed as ‘freedom fighters’ That movement was called The Arab Spring, and was financed by The National Endowment for Democracy and run by the CIA via Twitter.

So in 2011, with the assistance of Special Forces of Qatar and the UK, the Jihadis were unleashed onto Libya to get Gaddafi. Gaddafi had been ally of the NATO powers; he gave MI6 and CIA names of suspected al Qaeda in Libya; several suspects were renditioned to Libya for torture; Gaddafi gave up his WMD program (thus making him defenceless against the Zioplot that was being hatched against him); he invested Libya’s billions in The City of London (which Goldman Sachs somehow managed to ‘lose’). But the terrorist Jihadis were getting their arses kicked in Libya, so NATO twisted UN SCR 1973 into a Get Gaddafi campaign. NATO then bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed a clear path for the Jihadis, assisted by British Special Forces as revealed by the BBC, and the Jihadis eventually entered Tripoli. But Gaddafi had fled. He (or a double) was found hiding in a pipe near Sirte, a bayonet was reportedly shoved up his arse and he was then shot.

The Jihadis were then transported to Syria via Turkey, and led to believe that they were in Israel to kill Jews. In Syria these NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum have been committing atrocity after atrocity after atrocity, forcing children to cut the heads off defenceless unarmed prisoners, throwing Assad-supporting civilians out of windows and off buildings, and cutting the throats of children, and generally committing massacres when politically expedient.

Assad bears no responsibility for any of this whatsoever.

The responsibility for all the blood that has been shed in the last decade, all the dead children of Iraq and Lebanon and Libya and Syria, all the throats that have been cut, all the heads that have been chopped off, all the hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq, all those suffering from DU poisoning in Iraq, all the tens of thousands of dead bombed in Libya by NATO, all the limbs blown off innocent children. The responsibility for all this lies with the Anglophile-Zionist faction in the USA, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia and the warmongers of Israel who executed the inside Ziojob 9/11 to kick off the series of Ziowars that the Middle East and North Africa has suffered since that murdered September day, a plan that can be traced back to 1991, as evidenced by the aforementioned conversation between Clark and Wolfowitz.

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