
Wednesday, June 05, 2013


In 1961 the CIA, after a year of intense training of thousands of Cuban exiles, attempted an invasion of Cuba with the intent of ousting Fidel Castro. But the invasion force ran into deep trouble upon landing at The Bay of Pigs. The CIA had not told JFK about their doubts about the success of the invasion in order to get JFK to approve the plan. So when the invaders ran into trouble the CIA expected JFK to send in the US military. But he didn't. The invaders were easily destroyed.

The following year Nikita Kruschev provoked the Cuban Missile Crisis and won the concession that the USA would not attempt an invasion of Cuba again.

There is strong evidence that an extreme right wing faction within the USA assassinated JFK for this series of events.

Fast forward to 2013.

An extreme right wing faction in the USA wants President Bashar al Assad ousted, having executed the mother of all inside jobs 9/11. They use foreign Jihadis as a proxy force, much like the CIA used Cuban exiles. But the Jihadis have run into deep trouble in al Qusayr, much like the Cuban exiles did at The Bay of Pigs. President Obama did not implement a No Fly Zone or send in the troops to save the Jihadis, despite several false flag events such as the two car bombs at Reyhanli, Turkey and claims from Israel and the UK that Assad had used chemical weapons. Kennedy also did not implement a No Fly Zone or send in the troops to save the invasion force.

There is a parallel.

There are arguments that JFK was assassinated not just for his policy on Cuba. Some suggest issuing debt free bonds circumventing The Federal Reserve sealed his fate. Some suggest his anti-Israel policy also sealed his fate.

And it is the latter suggestion which should raise concerns.

Al Qusayr was a major logistics hub for the Syrian al Hague-Qaeda rebs. Today it is controlled by the Syrian Arab Army. This victory for the SAA is a huge blow not just to the rebs, but also to the extreme right wing Ziofactions in the USA, France, DFK, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, but in particular to Israel itself.

Syrian pro-government forces have taken full control of the strategic town of Qusair, state TV and the rebels say.

The town, near the Lebanese border, has been the centre of fighting for more than two weeks between rebels and Syrian troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Syrian state TV said a large number of rebels had died and many had surrendered.

[source : Syrian army retakes key town of Qusair from rebels, BBC,, 5th June 2013]

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