
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This morning I detected a psyop of some kind, in the NATO media, particularly the BBC, when it was reported that Putin was 'under pressure' to acquiesce over Syria. It now seems he was not. He claims that Russia was not the only nation who is not convinced that Assad used chemical weapons, but AFAIK did not say who.

But I wonder if he reads this blog because he made a very accurate and related comment on the butchering of Drummer Lee Rigby. Here is what Putin said about that horrific attack:
Recently the British people suffered a huge loss. It was a tragedy next to his barracks on the streets of London. A violent assassination, a very brutal killing of a British serviceman.

Clearly the opposition is not composed all of this but many of them are exactly the same as the ones who perpetrated the killing in London.

If we equip these people, if we arm them what is going to control and verify who is going to have these weapons, including in Europe as well.

So we call all our partners, before making this dangerous step, think about it very carefully.

[source : G8 summit - day two: Politics live blog, The guardian,, 18th June 2013]

Shortly after the attack on Rigby a youth worker called Abdullah phoned Vanessa Feltz and told her live on air that he had spoken to the attackers trying to persuade them from violence, and Syria was discussed.

From my reading of what was written on the internet I was the only one to make the link to Syria, some too busy spreading a hoax theory, and urged others to spread the link because if it was widely known that the attackers had been preaching Jihad and calling for Muslims to go to Syria and join the Jihad against Assad then the support for the Syrian rebels from the UK and possibly other nations would diminish. But AFAIK nobody did spread that link.

Well here is Putin spreading that link.

And in an interview with Charlie Rose, Obama did NOT look or sound too enthusiastic about escalating the violence in Syria, questioning rushing into another war in the Middle East, the effectiveness of any NFZ and the dangers of arming the rebels because the weapons may end up in the hands of the enemies of America.

That was a very pensive and concerned Obama, with lots on his mind...and lots of grey hair!

It appears that Putin may have moved on one or two minor points (perhaps that was the Bushmills Whiskey Custard?), but he has not been persuaded by the majority to change the Russian view on Syria, and has been the only leader to have told the truth about Syria.

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