
Monday, June 17, 2013


A few years ago many in the mainstream and alternative media were portraying Vladimir Putin as a demon, involved in all sorts of criminality and using secret hand signals to indicate his allegiance to the Prince of Darkness.

It is very, very different today.

Yesterday Putin put Der Fuhrer down at a press conference after a meeting between the two before the G8 begins at Lough Erne today.

Der Fuhrer spoke first and lied to us all; lied to himself, lied to his wife, lied to his children, lied to The Conservative Party, lied to The House of Commons, lied to The House of Lords, lied to the muggins British taxpaying public, and lied to the whole world. The lie he made was this:
I believe that Assad is responsible for tearing his country apart, and that to end Syria’s nightmare he has to go. The new evidence this week of how the regime is gassing its people makes that clearer than ever.

[source : Press conference: the Prime Minister and President Vladimir Putin,, 16th June 2013]

First: As I have extensively shown on this blog, the bloodbath in Syria should be directly blamed on Israel and Zionist factions in the USA, France, Saudi Arabia and the UK. Syria is just one of seven nations, all enemies of Israel, that were targeted for war after the mother of all inside Ziojobs 9/11.

Second: Assad has the support of 70% of Syrians. 20% are neutral. Only 10% support the rebels. That is not me just making this up. NATO found that from data they collected from inside Syria!

Third: AND NO NEW EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PRODUCED! All that has happened is that old evidence, which was at first rejected because the chain of custody could not guaranteed, has been accepted due to a series of scandals which were started because of Obama's obvious reluctance to escalate US involvement in Syria to save the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum at al Qusayr, and soon in Aleppo and Homs from total destruction. AND THE CHAIN OF EVIDENCE STILL CANNOT BE GUARANTEED!

But let's now look at the Putin put down.

Der Fuhrer and Putin were asked what were they going to do with Syria. The question, from the BBC, was:
First of all, to President Putin: the Prime Minister has said in the past that those supporting President Assad have the blood of Syrian children on their hands. Given that Russia is arming one side in this conflict, is it not hypocritical to criticise those who want to arm the other side?

And to the Prime Minister: how would you describe the feeling amongst Tory backbenchers and your Liberal Democrat coalition partners about the idea of arming the rebels? One Tory MP said today that it would be suicidal.

Der Fuhrer reproduced his incorrect, sickening, pathetic, condescending allegations that all the blood that has been spilled in Syria is Assad's fault, and did not answer the question put to him.

Putin on the other hand did answer the question put to him. AND WHAT AN ANSWER!
With regards to the supplies of weapons to the Assad government, and as regards to who has the blood of the children and peaceful citizens of Syria, I believe you will not deny that the blood is on the hands of the both parties, of both of the parties, and there is always a question: who is to be blamed for that, who is to blame? I believe you will not deny the fact that one hardly should back those who kills their enemies and, you know, eats their organs and all that is filmed and shot. Do we want to support these people; do we want to supply arms to these people? So, in this case, it has hardly any relation to the communitarian and cultural values that Europe has been professing for centuries. In Russia, we cannot fancy such things happening.

But if we speak calmly in cold blood, in a business-like fashion, let me draw your attention to the fact that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law. We are not breaching anything. Let me emphasise that; we are not breaching any rules and norms, and we call on all our partners to act in same fashion.

The UK is just one of several nations engaged in a proxy war contrary to international law. Russia on the other hand is legally satisfying commercial contracts.

It is a very, very sad day when the Prime Minister of this Disunited Fascist Queendom can stand in front of the DFQ media, regurgitate the totally discredited lies about Syria and get away with it unchallenged.

Yesterday it was Fathers Day.

What did our fathers and grandfathers fight in WW2 for? I thought it was to destroy Nazi Imperialism. But from the overwhelming evidence that I have seen, Nazi Imperialism is alive and well and living it up in London.

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