
Sunday, July 21, 2013


I remember reading about the case of Hilda Murrell in a book called Enemies of the State by Gary Murray. I found the book in my local library. I was surprised to find such a book in my local library. I read the book, and took it out on loan again several times later. I also took books out on extraterrestrials, such as Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. It was around this time that strange things started to happen to me, though not quite what happened to Murrell. I often wonder if our reading habits were watched and flagged, even back then in the mid 1990s. After reading and re-reading Murray's book I thought 'they' did it, and that it was related to the Belgrano and Sizewell. I still do.

Today Murrell's nephew Commander Robert Green has written in The Daily Mail that after nearly 30 years he also believes that his aunt was murdered.

It is nearly 30 years since my aunt, Hilda Murrell, was abducted, beaten, stabbed and left to die in a copse in the countryside outside Shrewsbury.

Her murder has become a cause celebre, not just because of the shocking manner of her death, but because of the unanswered questions that refuse to go away.

...The past three decades have seen a rising tide of evidence that the true perpetrators were the British security services.

...An affidavit from Trina Guthrie, treated by Hilda as an adopted niece, set out an account of Hilda’s death from a former convict.

He had been told the following: that Hilda had died at the hands of a team despatched to search for copies of secret signals relating to the Belgrano sinking.

The man had shared a cell in a prison near York with another inmate serving 15 years for armed robbery, who claimed to have led a team of three men and a woman hired by a ‘secret intelligence department’ to do freelance work.

The team leader allegedly reported to the Cabinet Office via an MI5 liaison officer.

[source : Why I believe sinking of Belgrano made MI5 murder my crusading aunt: A death surrounded by dark coincidences, and the disturbing belief of former intelligence chief who helped mastermind Falklands campaign, The Daily Mail,, 20th July 2013]

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