
Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Let's look through...the arched window.

[sounds of harp as the camera focuses on the arched window...]

Oh look, children! It's The Minister for Common Sense.

And what's he doing?

It looks like he's talking to some people. I think he said this last week. Shall we listen to what he is saying?

The Minister for Common Sense : "...and as for money? Where does it all come from? The BANKS create it! OUT OF NOTHING! We then borrow it...with interest I must add. We repay these loans by working for it. Working our a... Working very hard. And in the meantime what are the bankers doing, after they've lent out ten, twenty, thirty pounds for every one pound of hard specie they have in their vaults? I'll tell you what they do! BUGGER ALL! Sun themselves on their yachts on the Mediterranean, or by the pool belonging to one of their many mansions in Greece, or somewhere else nice. Not Blackpool, that's for sure. And what do they do with all the profits made from this total scam?..."

Oh, children, Doesn't he sound angry? We'll listen to him just for one more minute...

The Minister for Common Sense : "With all the profits they fund think tanks and politicians to push their ideas of how we should live to their benefit. And another thing; drugs. Are you telling me with all that satellite and surveillance technology they don't know where the drugs are grown? All the cannabis? Coca? Opium? Who deals in it? The logistics? But more importantly, the money trail? THE BANKS KNOWINGLY LAUNDER THE DRUG MONEY! AND WE KNOW ABOUT IT! It's shipped in on military, intelligence and diplomatic logistics systems. A brown envelope here. A nod and a wink there. And Robert's your father's brother! BINGO! Loadsamoney!

What else are they involved in? World wars. World bloody wars. All those soldiers slaughtered on the battle fields, all those sailors drowned in the freezing oceans after being torpedoed, and all those pilots shot down. But more importantly, all those civilians. It's always the civilians who get hit most. There's nothing like a war to get countries borrowing. And who do the countries borrow from? The banks. And how can the banks lend out so much money to finance world wars? THEY CREATE IT OUT OF NOTHING! And then when all the fighting's done and the world has been devastated, who suggests we have a world government to stop all the wars? The banks. They engineered World War 1 to create The League of Nations, which failed, so they engineered World War 2 to create The United Nations. But they haven't got total control yet. No. All it needs is one more major war, probably in The Middle East, because that is what Israel was created for, and horrible weapons, nuclear, biological, chemical, will be used to drive us into demanding a tyrannical word government. And who would control that tyrannical world government? Yup. The banks.

When I started this job I was naive. I loved my government. I believed it loved me. We were all in this together, they said. And I believed them. But after just nine months in this job I am horrified at what our government does, and in our names; satanism, paedophilia, fraud, mass genocide, blackmail. And that's just for starters. It's all for you, they say, to 'protect us' from that nasty horrible man in charge of some third rate African nation destroyed by Jihadis and/or the IMF.

This has to stop...NOW!

[TV announcer : We interrupt this program to announce that the Minister for Common Sense has been found dead. Yes, er, he was found locked inside a burning car with three bullets to his head, which had been chopped off. The keys to the car were found 15 metres away in a muddy ditch. The initial verdict is suicide. The position of Minister for Common Sense has been abolished. The Ministry for Common Sense has also been abolished. It was a silly idea anyway, wasn't it? I mean, who wants to know the truth? Who really really really really really really wants the truth? NOBODY! Mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! Oops. Sorry about that. We now return to your brainwa...sorry, programming.]

Oh, children. What sad, sad news.

What shall we do now?

I know. Let's make some jelly! Yum yum! I like jelly. Don't you? What's your favourite?

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