
Friday, August 30, 2013


Think I am talking about Syria?

Yes. I am. Thanks to Cameron's Cutthroats, a once proud and peaceful Syria is now a wreck and in ruins, with rivers of blood trickling down the rubble-strewn streets.

But I am also talking about Cameron.

And with Cameron we can add humiliated, cowardice and moribund.

There is only one way for Cameron (and all the other warmongers) to redeem themselves, and that is get a rifle, a helmet, a uniform and pair of boots and get a one-way ticket to Syria, destination the front line against the Syrian Arab Army.

What? Are they still here? I thought so. Very happy to fire a missile from thousands of miles away, but give 'em a rifle and not even Usain Bolt with a 90 m start could beat them over 100 m as they run for their lives AWAY from the front line.

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