
Sunday, August 11, 2013


My PhD certificate came through the post last September. It was mailed in one of those A4 sized envelopes with a thick cardboard backing with the words DO NOT BEND. Guess what? It arrived with two big creases in it.

Another important letter did not arrive last September.

What other mail has been intercepted and not delivered to me?

I reported a few weeks ago that two emails I sent were not received. Texts to my father, and now my brother are not being received.

A few months ago I asked someone to email me their opinion on something. I didn't receive anything but that person said they had sent it. I have hardly heard from that person since and have interpreted that to mean something. In light of these intercepted communications perhaps this was in error.

I have also reported that a letter I was preparing on my laptop had changed significantly overnight, changes that I did not make, and nobody could have accessed my room and laptop overnight because the bedroom door was locked while I slept next to the laptop, so it had to have been done remotely.

It's one thing to read mail, texts and emails, but to stop them arriving is beyond lawlessness, and shows desperation.

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