
Sunday, September 08, 2013


Just when you thought it couldn't get much lower, the propaganda for war on Syria just hit a new low. And look who is pushing it!

The latest drivel is a claim that the Syrian Arab Army did indeed use chemical weapons but may have done so without the nod from Assad. German Intelligence claims to have recorded several requests over the last few months of field commanders requesting permission from Assad to use chemical weapons, but on each occasion the requests were denied. The allegations are printed in Bild am Sontag, and are also being reported by Times of Israel, Israel National News and Haaretz. Now, I view these three particular papers every day, and I cannot remember seeing the same report on the same item of news in ALL THREE on the same day. So this would add support to the claim that AIPAC are going for it on this war.

But who, or rather what, is Bild am Sontag?

Bild am Sontag is owned by Axel Springer. Axel Springer owns Die Welt which in 2006 was one of just a few European newspapers to republish the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed which caused Muslims to riot across Europe. The CEO of Axel Springer is Mattias Dopfner, a Bilderberger.

Bild am Sontag is also considered to be a bit of a joke, and is the equivalent of The Sun/The Daily Mirror, possibly worse.

So if this devastating piece of 'evidence' against the Syrian Arab Army was that powerful and convincing then it would have been published in a much more respected German newspaper. But as it is, this 'evidence' has been published in the gutter press and then republished by the three Israeli newspapers that I keep my eye on (something I cannot recall ever occuring before).

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