
Saturday, October 12, 2013


The feud between Ed Miliband and Paul Dacre is such a farce. But in these times of Bilderberg fascist oiksterity we need a laugh, a giggle, a chuckle, don't we?

So why is the feud so farcical?

Well, it all began after Ed Miliband at first supported an attack on Syria, but then wisely pressed the pause button. He did so because there was no evidence to prove that Assad had used chemical weapons at Ghouta on 21st August 2013. Cameron, on the other hand, couldn't even wait for the UN inspectors to arrive in Syria, never mind issue a report on their limited findings.

But then 'Red Ed' gave a rousing speech at The Labour Party conference, promising to cap energy prices. This was a huge public vote winner. This week's nearly 10% price hike from SSE drove more people towards Labour.

In response, The Daily Mail, published an attack on Ed's late father Ralph. Ralph was something of a Marxist, and had fought in the British military against the Nazis. Quotes from Marxist Ralph's works were published, to show Ralph's hatred of Great Britain.

Ed was allowed to publish a reply to and in The Daily Mail, but still the feud rumbles on. Today the editor of the The Daily Mail, Paul Dacre, has published an article on the feud, proclaiming that The Daily Mail stands up for Great Britain and Britons, and stands against Europe and Marxists.

But what The Daily Mail, and many others, do not understand, is that Great Britain created Marxism!


I know!

It sounds more bizarre than MI5 allowing Islamic extremists to preach on the streets of this Disunited Fascist Queendom in order to persuade Muslims to go to Syria and cut the throats of Syrian children in a Jihad against President Assad of Syria.


So how and why did Great Britain create Marxism?

I would very, very strongly urge readers to purchase and/or read Treason in America by Anton Chaitkin.

America and Germany were becoming a threat to the British ruling class, as they implemented the ideas of The American System of Economics. Marx was paid to write critiques of The American System. His works were then taken up by revolutionaries to eventually overthrow the Russian monarchy after decades of British intrigue against Russia after Tsar Alexander II had all but declared war on Great Britain during the British-engineered American Civil War by sending the Russian Navy to assist Abraham Lincoln in a blockade of The Confederacy.

And that is the farce. That The Daily Mail claims to be against pornography yet its internet edition is constantly full of pictures of scantily clad celebrities, usually female, and attacks Marxism which was created by the very establishment it claims to support, the same establishment that had a Covenant of Security with the Islamic extremists that The Daily Mail so detests!

You could not make this stuff up!

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