
Sunday, October 20, 2013


The Independent is not independent.

An editorial in The Independent today, entitled Hell Beyond Hell, exonerates Saudi Arabia and lays the blame for the current state of Syria squarely on President Assad.

The latest allegation against Syria is that the Syrian Arab Army is sniping at pregnant women!!

Yesterday brought the testimony of David Nott, the "Indiana Jones of surgery" who has led a group of international doctors in Syria. He says snipers, assumed to be hired by the Assad regime, have been using pregnant women for target practice, aiming at unborn children for sport.

[source : Editorial: 'Hell beyond hell': The situation in Syria is actually getting worse, The Independent, 20th October 2013]

Such barbarity is in the same league as using chemical weapons on civilians. After the international outrage (most of it fake) due to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Arab Army at Ghouta on 21st August this year, leading to Syria relinquishing its chemical weapons to either halt or postpone an attack by the USA, would it make perfect sense that the same Syrian Arab Army would provoke yet even more international outrage by sniping at pregnant women?!

Such allegations are beyond ludicrous!!

And I am highly suspicious of the tone of the editorial because it suggests that Putin can be embarrassed further to put more pressure on Assad.
The Russian government is the Assad regime's main external sponsor – and its second international ally, Iran, is also looking for an improved relationship with the US and Europe. Vladimir Putin has shown that he can be embarrassed into forcing his client to abide by international law. Let us hope that the outrage over Mr Nott's revelations could be put to similar use.

Before the horrific events in Ghouta, Bandar bin Sultan, the intelligence chief of that utopia of freedom, democracy and human rights, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and according to some reports told Putin that he, Bandar, was going to create Hell on Earth in Syria to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad. A few weeks later Ghouta occured. Subsequently evidence points to Saudi Arabia as the guilty perps of Ghouta; statements to journalists; chemicals and protective gear from Saudi Arabia found in rebel tunnels.

I smell in this editorial words written by British/Saudi/Israeli intelligence.

All the barbarity against civilians in Syria has been and is being committed by the cutthroat Jihadis that Seymour Hersh reported in his 2007 article The Redirection would be unleashed by Saudi Arabia with the acquiescence of Israel and the USA. They were inserted into Syria by this Disunited Fascist Queendom according to former French foreign minister Roland Dumas. The cutthroats have been committing massacre after massacre, and beheading by breadknife after beheading by breadknife. These are usually attributed by the NATO media to the Syrian Arab Army. In reality, any massacres committed by the Syrian Arab Army are of the cutthroat Jihadis, but in the NATO media the cutthroat Jihadis are called 'people', thus implying they were innocent civilians. The cutthroat Jihadis were unleashed because by 2007 a plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shorty after 9/11 for war on the seven nations in five years on Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia was moribund. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria were named in a document called A Clean Break written by rabid Zionists who on 9/11 were in control of the mysteriously AWOL US military. The same cabal of rabid Zionists also wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses which named Iran more of a threat than Iraq.

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