
Thursday, October 24, 2013


I have come to the conclusion that US President Andrew Jackson was a traitor to the United States of America. I first came across Jackson in Eustace Mullins' Secrets of the Federal Reserve, and G Edward Griffin's The Creature From Jekyll Island. Both authors portrayed Jackson as an angel sent from heaven above to do battle with the Rothschilds and save America.


Jackson had already betrayed the USA before he destroyed The Second Bank of the United States (BUS2). Jackson was used to destroy BUS2 because it was rapidly creating a huge economic and political rival to the British Empire. Jackson was on the edge of a British espionage ring in the USA. His controller was Martin van Buren who was tutored in treason by Aaron Burr, who had plotted with Jackson to grab Louisiana and hand it over to the British. Jackson defended Burr at Burr's trial.

The BUS2 was creating a United States of America that threatened the British Empire. It placed high tariffs on imports and financed public works that would aid economic growth, such as canals. It also had regional banks in the states.

I proposed earlier this year that we could and should replace our banking system (and God knows it needs replacing) with a banking system similar to the BUS2: a central bank to finance great public works, such as national infrastructure projects like road and rail: state banks in each nation of the United Kingdom that understand the national economies in great detail; and smaller banks in each region in each nation, such as North East England, that know the local economy inside out. High tariffs on imports would nurture local industry and agriculture.

Authors such as Mullins and Griffin have tried to ridicule and condemn the idea of creating money out of thin air. At first I was horrified that this was how our banking system worked. Currently such power is in the hands of privately controlled banks. But this power to create money out of thin air, if in good hands, can be used for good. And I believe that in the BUS2 that power to create money out of thin air was in good hands and was being used for the common good, not for the benefit of a privileged few. There is still the issue of what the hell Barings, at the heart of the British establishment, was doing as bankers to the USA before Jackson destroyed the BUS2 and handed what was left to the Rothschilds. I'm wondering if there was either a turf war between Barings and Rothschilds, or, if the USA had a destiny, Barings were helping to build the USA a bit too quickly.

But today the Archbishop of Canterbury has called for...regional banks!
The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has called for a revival of regional banks, in a week when the Co-op, one of the "challenger banks" seen as a potential rival to the high-street giants, has fallen under the control of US hedge funds leaving the future of its ethical stance in question.

Speaking on Thursday at A Blueprint for Better Business?, an ethical business conference in London, Welby said the financial services system needed to be redesigned to focus on startups and small businesses outside London.

He said this was desperately needed "if there is going to be regeneration of the economy and a serious attack on the appalling poverty that is now three-generational in some parts of our country".

[source : Justin Welby calls for more regional banks to break dominance of London, The Guardian,, 24th October 2013]

Meanwhile, Russell Brand's interview by Jeremy Paxman was at first, to me, classic Brand: cocky; jokey; flamboyant; not sure if he is serious or not.

But during the last minute or so Brand spoke with a force and clarity and passion that obviously stunned and unnerved Paxman, but also quite a lot of other people, myself included.

There is something fomenting. People are pissed off. But I am not sure there will be a revolution due to economics or politics. Everyone knows and feels the world is unfair and thinks that life is life: get your head down, work for a few decades and do your best for those you love. It has been like that for centuries, nay millenia.

But what has happened in the last decade or so is that the ruling classes are being exposed as Satanist paedophiles and blackmail other paedophiles into doing their work while our intelligence agencies protect them all. I think this is the Achilles Heel of the ruling classes...and they know it. And if this can also be exposed with the fact that they engineered and financed world wars...then it will be curtains.

The latest financial crisis occured 5 years ago. The banks were bailed out with trillions. There has been some outrage followed by some austerity, dumped onto the lower and middle classes. Their response? Oi! Don't do that to us! But then the ruling classes come out with stuff like, "But it's for Britain and the Queen." And thus the masses are pacified, and in some cases condemning those who protest for much more fairness.

The people are fluoridated. The people are zombified by long hours at work. The people are entertained by moronic TV and films.

But show 'em we are ruled by Satanist world warmongering paedophiles...

This is why we should all support David Icke. He may not be right on the button but he is bloody close.

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