
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


A young girl I was teaching yesterday had something written on her left hand. I looked closer and saw that she had drawn a triangle with the all seeing eye inside, and underneath she had written 666. I asked where she had seen that, and she told me, "Disney". She seemed quite happy and proud of what she had drawn and done, which was to effectively tattoo herself with the logo of Satanists.

I know this girl. She is very friendly, nice, sweet and very intelligent. She was on a sponsored silence last Friday for Children in Need, so we had a laugh as I tried to teach her.

So what makes a young girl like that tattoo herself like that? And appear quite proud of it?

This is yet more evidence that Disney is an Illuminati brainwashing operation. Its latest product is the talentless traitor Miley Cyrus, who rose to fame and became the darling of millions upon millions of families across the world through the Disney character Hannah Montana, only for her to 'rebel' and produce musical drivel while she wears next to nothing like the bona fide princess of The Illuminati, Rihanna,, twerks like an idiot, sticks her tongue out like a moron, gropes latex-clad dwarves like a sexual degenerate, bends over and simulates sex like a whore, and styles her hair so it resembles two horns like a devil, and all in front of millions upon millions of families. Thankfully there is some rejection of Cyrus, but sadly not enough.

How can we get this out, and keep it out, of our schools?!

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